It's New Year's Eve, Readers!
It's time to reflect upon the year that has passed and look ahead to 2013. Eloise loves those Year In Review news spots you see on the nightly news or the Today Show. I always find myself saying aloud, "That happened THIS year?" and unfortunately, "He DIED?" (Sometimes I miss things....). The passage of time never ceases to amaze me. For me, today marks the yearly dilemma of deciding whether time flies by (as measured in kids' birthdays) or crawls at a snails pace (like in school waiting for the 3:30 bell). It's fitting that Eloise makes note of this, as the real Eloise from the TV series LOST is the keeper of time.
This former yearbook editor had some fun putting together the photos and events that have happened in and around the Lamp Post over the last 12 months. Hold my hand as we take a walk down memory lane. If you are joining the Lamp Post late in the game, here is what you missed:
We found this:
It's become my new favorite pass time addiction. I've made so many good new recipes, learned how to make crocheted daisies, concocted homemade floor cleaner and completed a new workout challenge almost every week. If you haven't discovered it yet for yourself, check blog post Lesson 117: A Pinteresting Weekend for more details.
Natalie got her chances to sparkle and shine. She participated in the Sparkles Cheerleading program at Harbor Creek High School which includes students with special needs. Natalie also wowed us with her singing at the second annual Ever So Lovely Pageant. If you were a participant in either, check blog post Lesson 121: Catch Some Fireflies.
Eloise is a music fan and I was diggin' some new tunes last winter.
I went to see Blake Shelton when he came to Erie.

I became a huge Adele fan.
That big, burly linebacker-lookin' guy Zac Brown and his band became new favorites.
For my girls, it was all One Direction,
Phillip Phillips,
and Hunter Hayes.

At the Lamp Post, the odds were in our favor as we immersed ourselves in the Hunger Games series.
New autism statistics were released. I couldn't sleep for nearly a week.
For Eloise's thoughts on this, read these blog posts-- Lesson 144: Gross
and Lesson 145: U Find Out Who UR Friends R
While I was roaming the house sleepless, I would re-watch episodes of my new favorite show TOUCH to pass the time. TOUCH stars Kiefer Sutherland and centers around a boy with autism. It starts up again in January. Don't miss it!
Eloise's butt is always planted on bleachers for most of May and June as Ellen is a softball player.
That equates to a 5:30-9:00 pm commitment many days a week. So glad the home games are in walking distance of the Lamp Post.
Eloise and ten million other people read this book. To see what I thought of the book and its author E.L. Janes, unleash your inner goddess and check out blog post Lesson 154: Shades of Grey--EY.
We also visited the Columbus Ohio Zoo and Science Center. This teacher awarded A plus marks to both.
July was an epic month. My good friends Tracy Southern and Keri got me on an airplane to New York City, despite my dislike of air travel.
I got to see Handsome perform in the Brothers of the Sun tour,
and I ran the Erie Half Marathon on Presque Isle.
Speaking of running---Kenyan, my sister whom I nicknamed for her speed, tore up the trails this year. She ran 3 half marathons and ran in tons of 5K's and 10K's leaving her competitors in the dust.
I survived a near fatal poisoning attempt by a hater and puked my guts up one night
(OK, OK--creative writers do have big imaginations...)
75 toilet flushes on a nearly dry well backed up the septic system into the house.
Come see the Lamp Post basement. It's all new and depooped.
I also passed on the opportunity of a lifetime. By a chance encounter in the Wal-Mart parking lot, I was given a backstage VIP pass to meet Tim McGraw. Check out the heart wrenching story on blog posts Lesson 180: Truck Yeah, and Lesson 181: Together.
Ellen opened her own blog, Life Inside the Lamp Post for earning an advanced score on the PSSA Writing test. Feel free to check out her sweet and heartfelt blog at It's a peek inside the Lamp Post from a twelve year old's perspective. Paybacks are hell!

She also had a fun birthday celebration at the camp.
Sam started Kindergarten and is doing GREAT!!!!!
I finished the Twilight saga so I could have some fun with all the red-eyed hype, too. Plus Tracy Southern wouldn't be my friend anymore if I didn't read them. Eloise hated to blow a 36 year friendship on a vampire.
Speaking of vampires, Sam resembled one as he began to lose his teeth,
and quickly realized it was a lucrative endeavor.
After being sidelined for 18 days with the shingles, I wrote my second novel in less than two weeks.
I completed my Team Adrenaline Resolution Challenge and met some fabulous new friends.
For more favorite shots of my family, click on the video below. The song is Auld Lang Syne by the awesome group Straight No Chaser. For more on the history of this song as well as a look at Straight No Chaser performing live (they are CUTIES!!!), scroll down to the next blog post, Lesson 206: Part 2--Auld Lang Syne.