Friday, September 30, 2016

Lesson 443: Survey Says

Weekend greetings, Readers!  

All is well at the Lamp Post.

The fall rains are starting to come to the Erie area right on schedule.

The clouds make for brilliant skies.

The golden rod blowing around by the fall winds
has puffed my eyes up quite nicely.
I sneeze uncontrollably every morning and late evening.

The pollen this time of year is hell on my nose,
but it sure makes a pretty backdrop for my deer friends.

A big, bright spot of the past week
was daughter Ellen Louise's sixteenth birthday.
I snapped the traditional lit-cake photo.
I couldn't decide which I liked better,

or black and white.

I posted it on facebook and let my friends decide.

To make the vote a little more fun,
I decided to use the results as a Presidential Election predictor.

The color votes went to Trump.

13325678_1735982150007765_3494126896845917385_n.jpg (471×600):

The black and white votes went to Hillary.

American voters have a clear choice on Nov. 8. We can elect an experienced, thoughtful and deeply knowledgeable public servant or a thin-skinned demagogue who is unqualified and unsuited to be president.:

The results of my photo poll are as follows:

  • 76 total votes
  • 64 women
  • 12 men
  • The women were split dead even, 26 Color/Trump, 26/Black & White, 12 Both/Undecided
  • 42% Color/Trump
  • 38%  Black & White/Hillary
  • 20% Undecided (these diplomats voted Both)
I would dare say that the results of my poll are eerily similar to the national numbers

These results didn't help me too much.
I'm still undecided for both--
photos for frames 
candidates for President.

I thought I'd do a little research into what the demographics are saying about this election.
Here is one source:

Demographic differences in support of Trump vs Clinton.  Interesting 7-7-2016 2-30-10 PM:

Will the soccer moms leave the sidelines 
and become key players in this election?

Read the article linked below,
especially if you fall into one of these states.

The Soccer Moms of 2016 From Cuban millennials to skittish soldiers, here are the demographics that will matter most when America votes.   Read more:

Our Future President is hitting the campaign trail

by car!
She passed her permit test!

Mother Eloise keeps telling her just to watch the road,
not the woods for creepy clowns
(we've been driving A LOT of back roads this week).

The Lamp Post is well protected.
I have a killer 12 year old Labrador retriever on guard
and I hung my ax up in the entry way.

It's right next to my race medals and numbers in the garage.
It's one of the few places I get to expose my clutter of a collection--
that spot,
the refrigerator door,
and my Team Adrenaline bag.
They are like little museums of my mind
that my family isn't allowed to mess with.

The rest of the house I keep clutter free so we all can function efficiently.

You can see the newest Barber Beast medal hanging next to Jesus.
If you are considering signing up for the challenge next summer,
contact Eloise.  
Team registration for Beast 2017 is opening soon.
Kenyan, Doc, and I will be glad to have you.

Here is a video created by local photographer Rob Frank of what the obstacles are like.
If you want to make an obstacle course race your goal for 2017,
sign up for this one with me.
We'll have a blast!
It's the most fun you'll ever have exploring the entire peninsula on foot.
I'd like to include more teens and their parents next you.
Expect a message from Eloise soon, parents!

Have a splendid weekend, Readers.
Stop and smell the flowers.
Cherish them while you can.
Their days are dwindling.


Friday, September 23, 2016

Lesson 442: Pumpkin Spiced Awesome

Good evening, Readers.
Fall has officially fallen onto the calendar page.

I love it when living things go to seed.

Fall is pretty,

and with the couple of cold nights,
the leaves are starting to turn.

As I was taking this photo,
it occurred to me that perhaps this was not just a turning leaf.
Is this the poison ivy I got into?

It took 21 days to heal my most recent bout with poison-something-or-other
and I'm left with some shiny scars on the areas worst affected.

I'm sending a shout out to my Garden Nerds--
 I really need to know:
do you think the photo posted above is poison ivy?
If so, it is all over the place in my yard and I suppose it needs sprayed.
Farmer Friend Paul told me not to burn it.
I don't want to use chemical sprays like Round-Up.
Is there anything else I can do?

I google imaged it and there seems to be a million kinds of poison ivy.
How's a girl to tell?

While I was searching for poison ivy,
I found this cool happening in my backyard:

wild grape vines can climb trees!

Fall is great.
It's the season for football

and running

and golf

you know,

It's also the season for 16th birthdays.

The Settlers brought Ellen her gift in their traditional gift wrap.

Her friends ballooned her bedroom.

Quite a clever and fun surprise!

Mother Eloise snapped the traditional lit-cake photo.
It turned out nice this year!

Which one is frame-worthy, Readers?

I couldn't decide, 
so I posed the question to my facebook friends this evening.
My question was,
Which one is frame-worthy?

As of this writing 20 minutes post posting,
the polls are saying the following:
Color:  17
B & W:  16

It's been quite interesting to see who votes for what.
I am studying the demographics of the voting population. 
I will have a full analysis on next week's blog.

I can think of nothing more fun than to use this poll
as a November Election predictor.

Trump will be assigned the Color votes.
Hillary will receive the Black & White votes.

everyone just fled this blog to go on facebook and edit their comments.

For those of you left reading tonight,
who can actually handle political commentary,
here are Eloise's thoughts on the Presidential Race:

Hillary or Trump?

I'm still undecided.
I never remember an election where each side
 so violently and vehemently detests the other candidate.

News articles have slants, depending on the source.
TV news certainly isn't helping filled with attack ads.

I'm relying mainly on political signs.

This is my personal favorite.

Also good.

Way to be, America!

There's always hope.

As much as I love me some linebacker duck butt,
I don't want my butt to look like a linebacker's.

That's why I'm jumping in once again for the 58 Day Challenge.
It is a diet & exercise accountability program 
developed by local Erie Chiropractor, Steve Krauza.

It begins Tuesday and runs through the day before Thanksgiving.
Pay $50 to hold yourself accountable through
the season of pumpkin spiced everything.

Brace yourselves, bitches.  Pumpkin Spice everything is coming.   #Fall #Snarky…:

Pumpkin spice latte:

And the world declared...."Let there be pumpkin spice EVERYTHING" and there was.:

We now have pumpkin spice motor oil.:

I'd eat a pumpkin spiced dog turd if you served it on a pretty plate.
The money goes into a pot,
and the winners of the male and female categories 
get some extra Christmas spending cash!

My team is head over heelsexcited about it.
Contact me for details or call Dr. Krauza's office.
If you are in, 
you must be weighed and measured by the end of the day on Monday, 9/26.

Think you can't do it?

Watch this.
Weekend homework for every adult and student blog reader:
Watch Mutual Rescue:  Eric & Peety.

After you've completed assignment #1-
please do this bonus assignment for the weekend.
Don't worry, 
it's fun.
It's like getting a word search for your spelling homework.

This is MY FAVORITE video ever.
I wish I was on the production team for this one.
Just out from the country music world,
Forever Country,
featuring country artists from Then, Now, and Forever.

ALL of my favorites are on there.
Don't miss this one.

If that link above doesn't catch,

I don't want you to miss it.

Have a great weekend, Readers.
Check back next week to see who is going to win Election 2016,
and by what margin.

Have a pumpkin spiced awesome weekend!