Eloise has been thinking a lot about life.
Graduation season pulls one's thoughts that way.
No words are ever wasted at the Lamp Post,
and the written word holds a spot
higher than the spoken ones.
If you were one of the 113 people who sent my girls
a graduation card,
know that they were read
and reread a couple of times.
Here's what they look like
all spread out on the picnic table.
How many ways can one say
From the store bought
to the hand made,
each held the perfect words
to wish my girls well in life.
Some of you knew that we really like Dr. Seuss,
dogs in particular.
This one went with Ellen's graduation cap!
And a few were great reminders that life
doesn't have to be serious all of the time.
Allow the squirrel to summarize your sentiments:
In a nutshell--
find your happy and go live your life
in the best way you know how.
And if life involves a red scooter
and a cape--
good for you!
Out of all the cards,
this one was my favorite.
A short,
and easy to remember
words of life advice.
And when you are busy
reaching for that star,
know that you might lose your balance
and fall a few times.
Make Faith
your friends.
Find your team.
Find your passion.
Find your game.
Play fair
give it all you got.
Enjoy your weekend, Readers.