It's the last weekend of September, Readers!
I'm glad you stopped by the Lamp Post
on your way through the week,
doing what you do.
Here's what Eloise did last weekend.
I spent some time up at Harbor Ridge Golf Course with my golfers.
The bug has bit the Little Big Guy, too,
Natalie and I aren't that interested in golfing
as much as we are just hanging out.
What is it about this drawstring string
that fascinates her so much?
She can flick it and watch it wiggle for hours.
While the rest of my family is doing what they do,
I'm pretty content to wait around with my camera
and see what I see.
This was quite and eyeful!
I see life through a lens.
Nature is always worth capturing.
I see a 19 year old.
I owe her a blog and a song,
but my computer is in for repair and
I don't have all of her chubby cheeked,
whippy haired baby pictures available.
Doing what I do
requires an awful lot of time spent on bleachers.
Huskie football is rolling through
one of the best starts we've had in years.
My workout group
was doing what they do
on Thursday night,
and we spied this beautiful lake.
Eloise needs a little chill time this weekend.
I'm headed out for some rest
which includes this really great story.

Enjoy your world this weekend,
doing what you do.
Make it a good one.