Happy weekend, Readers!
The light is shining brightly at the Lamp Post.
Eloise is glad you could stop by for awhile.
I'm writing lesson 615 this week.
Six hundred and fifteen times
I've sat down at my computer
to put my thoughts
and photos
and random musings.
It was 9 years ago
that I pioneered this blog.

I had to think back where we all were nine years ago.
It's easy to do when you keep a blog.
Here were the first photos I added of my kids--
Ellen's 10th birthday party

Three year old Sam.

Life was busy and crazy managing all those little kids.
But, thinking about the future,
and when things would be easier,
kept me putting one foot in front of the other.

Fast forward nine years,
and life is still crazy
managing older kids.
In these 108 months of writing and reflecting
(108 is an important LOST number, by the way)
I've learned to balance things out.
Taking care of my home
and those in it
is the most important thing for me.

So is time outside with my trusty camera.
I'm definitely more careful now about
what I eat and drink.
I still drink coffee,
but not as much as I used to,

I make some time to
support local businesses, too.
Time for exercise is key
to balance out my support
of the local business across the street
from the Lamp Post.
Time to try more recipes

and ways to make healthy food
look more appealing is important.

Time for devotion is spiritual nourishment.

Time for reading
is always essential.

Life is not complete without music.

And books about handsome musicians
and food
and exercise.
Clock is ticking down
to November 5th!

I got all of my life essentials
rolled into one with
my new Pioneer Woman cookbook.
It came in the mail yesterday!
Ree Drummond is just like me!
She's a pioneer, too!
She also intersperses her photos
in what she's trying to teach the reader.
Those page layouts
look an awful lot like a yearbook page.
Ree with a camera in front of her face.
Ree photographs sunsets over water.
Ree has a decorated graduate, too.
Her arms were made for hugging.
She likes to photographs girls with dogs,
people in shadow profile,
and her son playing Huskies football
(orange and black, too)!
Similarities are quite uncanny,
aren't they?
Maybe I'll get to see for myself
Maybe I'll get to see for myself
just how much we are alike.
The girls and I will be heading to her ranch in June.
Friend Jen unbelievably secured one of the rooms,
and asked us to go.
The Happy People are headed to the Oklahoma ranch.
Opting for an airplane,
not this means of travel.
Lord, that must have sucked!

I claim to be tough,
but I probably would have died in route
had I been a pioneer.
Captured by the Indians,
most likely,
because I'm always the vulnerable one
at the back of the pack.
That and I'm not too keen with a gun.
for the short time
I was alive on the trail,
I'd do up my wagon like this.

A few notes from the week:
Sam's injury plagued team
played a great game on Wednesday
but came up short of a win.
It probably won't make much sense to you now boys,
but one day you'll understand
that losses are just as important as the wins are.
There is always something to be learned.
Halloween is cancelled
because Hazel ate the trick-or-treat bucket.
Dessert was Louie's slipper.
it's watching this video.
I absolutely,
100% LOVE
this brilliant piece
on the Harbor Creek marching band.
The music they make
is the drumbeat of our school system.
Without them,
the school would not have a beating heart.
Dave Lefebre--
you earn an honorary A+
from the Quest Teacher.
Click below.
Be a pioneer this weekend.
Be brave and try something new.
Be brave and try something new.