Happy St. Patrick's Day Readers!
With only a wee bit 'a Irish in old Eloise,
I don't go all out for this holiday
as I do for most of the others.
But I did try my hand at some Irish coffee

and soda bread this year.
So tasty!
It was a snowy St. Patrick's Day.
Unless you live in the north,
in March.
It's the time of year the snow goes
from pretty
to dirty.
The only one sorry to see the snow go
will be Penny.
Snow is great for burying bones.
We said goodbye to high school basketball.
This photo was taken from a
buzzer beater last weekend.
The Lady Huskies had an excellent season.
We welcomed ice.
And our friend Robin!
I always loved the name Robin for a little girl.
I have a cousin out west named Robin.
Had Sam been a girl,
the name would have been a contender.
I got to name two daughters though,
and choosing names was a
Does this name sound nice with our last name?
Do I know anyone of this name?
Is it too popular?
Too unusual?
Will it be mispronounced?
Does it sound feminine?
Does it sound strong?
The world is full of
strong women.
We honor women on March 8th each year.
and devote the entire month to Women's history.
Every Friday night I write a blog
to make a record for my family.
It's my motivation for writing--
a weekly scrapbook of my photos and thoughts
since August of 2010.
Preserving memories
is one way that I can contribute to my family.
But it's also a way I can look back
at my efforts as a
Sometimes a woman's efforts that involve
making things special,
or the motion of a family moving smoothly,
go unrecognized.
I learned, recently,
that this has a name.
It is called kinkeeping.
This makes me The Kinkeeper
of the Lamp Post.
I see this definition was worded
by a Homesteader with ADHD,
(probably why the paragraph chunks are crooked....).
According to what I've read on kinkeeping
the term was coined back in 1985.
It went viral in January of this year
when a young girl defined it in a Tik Tok,
which can be found in the article linked below.
Be sure to open the link
and scroll down just beyond the first advertisement.
You'll find Molly West's now-famous TikTok
explaining kinkeeping.
The best thing women can do is to seek education.
This does not have to be formal education beyond high school.
It begins by learning how to read
and getting a library card.
How far you want to run with it,
dear lass,
is up to you.
Good night.
Snug up for a few more weeks!
The Kinkeeper