Hello, Readers!
Isn't this cute?
we northerners pretend we put on a hat
and ice skates and glide around on a flat, frozen pond.
When in reality.....
a Christmas gift from my parents.
Now the snow has melted to a muddy mess.
Glad these photos of the Little Cheerleaders
made me forget about all the muddy dog prints on my kitchen floor.
The moms are going to be reviewing that game tape for many years--
and I doubt they even know the score of the game.
I watched a YouTube video while I was walking on the treadmill this week.
I caught it on my scroll and played it because it sounded interesting.
I listened to it,
liked it enough to write the 5 tips down--
and could only remember four of them.
I went back to look for it and I couldn't find it.
I'm thinking the fifth tip was to write things down.
here are four of the five that really resonated with me
in the wee hours of the early morning
on an ordinary week in January:
1. Define Winning the Day: be clear about what constitutes a successful 24 hours
2. Get up when you say you are: Get moving when you intend to, even if you are a snooze alarm person, allow yourself the one tap, and then get up.
3. Slay the biggest dragon first: Attack that hard to tackle task, or the one you keep procrastinating about early-on, so you can live the rest of your day with the knowledge that you got it done.
4. ??? A Lamp Post prize if you find it for me.
5. Review the game tape: At the end of the day, take a moment to look back at your calendar, planner, journal, or mental notes and think about it, be grateful.
Thanks for reviewing my game tape with me every Friday night.
It's my pleasure to share some of my life with you, Readers.
Here's a smile to end your night:
Review the game tape from Tuesday night's baseball game against the Lancers of McLane.
Review the game tape from Tuesday night's baseball game against the Lancers of McLane.
Tied at the half.
Tied at the end.
Sam's friend Tucker got the winning bucket at the end.
This is the shot which is great.
Look for Sam on the bench.