Seasons Greetings, Readers.
Eloise is feeling black and white tonight,
with a little pop of red.
My friends, Doctor Theresa and Writer Heather
nominated me for the Black and White Photo Challenge on facebook this week.
I had to post 5 black & white photos,
in 5 days,
and nominate 5 people in the process.

I had to twist the rules a bit
and gave my nominees
5 years
to get the job done.
Hey, we're all busy in December.
But never too busy to see a movie, I guess.
The next five were my official shots.
I titled the set
Keys to a Happy Life.
Happy Home,
and Walmart.
There is a store across from a corn field, within a couple of miles from the Lamp Post.
I liked the shot so much I just had to use it,
and engineered it to fit with my theme.
I actually like it better in color.
I'm printing it in an 8 x 10 and giving it to my local store for a Christmas present.
I experimented with black and white photography all week.
In the process I learned that there really is no true black and white.
Everything is just its own shade of gray.
I hid something in this one for you.
Look for it.
This beauty would have been the Christmas card photo,
if the wind wouldn't have interfered with Ellen's hair.
Here are some of my favorites from other friends taking the challenge, too.
From Mrs. Doc:
From Matt Kleck, my photo super hero:
From High School Marcy, the cleverest of librarians,
who posed a super hero:
From Friend Wendy, the traveler:
From Doc,
The tracks remind him of a spine, I'm sure:
From WriterBloggerRunnerPSUemployee Heather:
Challenges of any sort are good.
They push you beyond what you are comfortable with.
December is here and Christmas preparations are in full swing at the Lamp Post.
Christmas to me is more than a day.
It's a season.
On Firman Road, that means Grandma started buying and giving gifts two weeks ago.
She got us this decoration for the Lamp Post.
Thank you, Grandma.
We do believe.
Grandma got Natalie her favorite color and paint books.
She even found something extra special for Ellen.
Ellen and I get creeped out by the Amish.
I know it is not very Christmas-y to say that.
I am sorry if I'm offending you Jebediah, but if you are reading this blog,
you are probably going to hell anyway.
I'll be joining you because I broke your law and tried to sneak a photograph of you last summer.
According to Amish Rule, they cannot be photographed.
On that very photo--my camera broke.
The sensor simply died on the photo I tried to take of a random Amish man.
I have witnesses, too, if you don't believe me.
We are going to have a bit of fun with this coloring book, Daughter #2 and I.
Ellen thinks this is a keyhole backed dress.
Amish smut in a kids' coloring book.
What's the world coming to?
Sam's much awaited Lego Advent calendar arrived.
Advent calendars and activities are fun because they stretch traditions out for 25 days.
He gets a Lego piece to build a Christmas city scene each day.
He already got the snowman and the mailbox.
I can't figure out the purpose of frog next to the mailbox in the snowy city.
Nor, can I figure out what the thing is in Mr. Green Jeans hands.
I think it goes with the hot chocolate and pie stand.
Message me what you think it is.
Keep it clean, it's Christmas.
Kenyan & I made a trip across the Bayfront Convention Center sky bridge
to go to the Festival of the Trees last weekend.
The sky bridge is a great place to take pictures.
Well, maybe not Hubby.
Notice the tightening jaw?
I had just informed him we spent $45 looking at Christmas trees for a half an hour.
'Tis the Season!
The money was well spent.
We had to go vote for the Barber National Institute's Christmas tree.
It's our way of saying thank you to an agency that has done so much for Natalie and Erik.
Erieites, if you know a person with a disability
who has trouble with outings due to noise or lighting effects,
there are a couple holiday events on the calendar that may work for you.
The Erie Playhouse has a performance of Elf on December 14th
for persons with sensitivities.
Lake Erie ballet has a Nutcracker geared to sensitive audience members, as well.
First-Ever Autism-Friendly Nutcracker Performance
Friday, Dec. 19th 12:45-1:30 pm
Warner Theater, 811 State St. Erie PA
• Special Performance ~ 45 mins.
• Welcome Activities ~ 12:00-12:30 & 1:30-2:00 pm
• $5, with confirmed reservation
This performance is planned and designed for patrons with language, social or special
sensory needs. If you have a family member or friend that has been diagnosed and
documented with these types of needs, we welcome you to attend this performance.
Call or email for more information (814)871-4356 x101 /
Contact the Erie Playhouse or the Lake Erie Ballet for more information.
Sam got to see Santa.
With baited breath, he logged on to the North Pole website to check his List Status.
Good news for Sam.
Not so good for others,
but there's still 20 days to go.
Be on your best behavior, Jack.

This week's photos are set to Pentatonix song Christmas To Me. They are a great a capella fivesome out of Arlington, Texas. Pentatonix has made some really interesting arrangements of popular songs, as well as written some of their own. I really like the title track off of their Christmas album, which is what I used for the video.
Christmas to me is more than a day, more than a season. Christmas is a time for making memories with the people you love.
Enjoy all the gifts this season will bring you. The best gifts are the kind that can't be unwrapped.
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