Night after Friday Night we meet at the Lamp Post.
Glad to see you under the soft glow of the winter moon.
Glad to see you under the soft glow of the winter moon.
Friday nights are always followed by Saturday mornings,
no matter where you live.
This his how I roll into mine.
A Sun-Up Workout sets the tone for a sunshine day.
Step by Step
is the approach I take to health and fitness.
This is my new fitness challenge.

Aside from the fact that the shoe in the advertisement is not red and sparking,
it's a clever little design.
Simply log in 26.2 miles by walking,
or running with any fitness trainer device or app
(or you can log in your miles manually if you don't have one).
The totals are cumulative,
so take as much time or as little as you need to complete the challenge.
Brick by Brick down the Yellow Brick Road you'll go!
When your journey through Oz is complete,
you will receive this cool participant medal.

If you are interested in accompanying me to see the Wizard,
here is the link:
Sip by Sip
I'm trying a new beer tonight
(thanks, Mom and Dad!).
The beer was very fitting
as Erie is back down to typical February temperatures.
Snow blankets the Lamp Post lawn once again.
Flake by Flake
Some days in Erie are just all white.
Looking out of the window is almost like looking at a black and white photo.
I didn't color adjust this one at all.
You can see the touch of brown on 6 Mile Cellars on the right edge of the photo.
Looking out of the window is almost like looking at a black and white photo.
I didn't color adjust this one at all.
You can see the touch of brown on 6 Mile Cellars on the right edge of the photo.
splash of color.
I took a couple of our talented art students
on a field trip to see our local t-shirt printer
Creative Imprints.
Mrs. Elosie was very impressed with the operations at the facility.
We learned the dyes for the shirts are actually thick like mayonnaise,
and they are layered on the t-shirts
Bit by Bit
through a complex process.
Our school district gives them so much business,
we even have our own orange dye!
We enjoyed a warm day last Saturday
and went tubing at Peek-n-Peak Ski Resort.
We climbed that hill
Step by Step.
(OK, we rode the escalator).
Grain by Grain
Help make Erie's freshwater beaches #1 in the nation!
You read this ad free blog for free--
so as a thank you for your mindless entertainment,
please vote!
Page by Page
is how I'm reading a fantastic story.
This is the cover I prefer because it has a lamppost on it.

I really didn't feel like reading a WW2 France book.
I really didn't.
I read the Nightingale this summer and cried for a full day after completion.
How can humans be so cruel?
So heartless?
So heartless?
Anthony Doerr has mastered the craft of storytelling.
He weaves a story,
Word by Beautiful World.

I'm only 1/3 of the way through the book and I'm
already recommending it.
That's how good it is.
That's how good it is.
If you have never viewed a Book Trailer--check it out.
Day by Day
is how my friend (left of photo) made a baby,
in one of the healthiest pregnancies on record.
She worked out with my fitness leader
(right of photo)
three days a week during her entire pregnancy!

Congratulations are in order for my Penn State Cousin, Erin!
She found the missing piece to her 1,000 piece puzzle.

Erin was born without hearing,
but God blessed her with very keen eyes.
She can put a puzzle of this magnitude together in no time.

Piece by Piece
is how my teammate Jordan builds his puzzles, too!

Jordan does not have spoken language,
but he communicates just fine through nods, gestures,
and facial expressions.
Jordan can put a 1,000 piece puzzle in just a few hours time
if he sets his mind to it.

God always balances things out, doesn't He?
Day by Day
people with disabilities are gaining more acceptance.
This cheerleader gave a boy with autism a Prom-posal!
Click the link below to see the actual video,
and the boy's reaction.
Thanks, Marcie for sending me this link.
It made my day.
Cheerleader asks boy with Autism to Prom. CLICK HERE
Note by Note
is how a song is made.
Truly, Kelly Clarkson's American Idol performance
was my favorite of all time.
Check out her heartfelt song
she wrote for her daughter
Piece by Piece.
That is how we build the jigsaw puzzle of our lives--
step by step
piece by piece
day by day
(unless, of course, your name is Erin or Jordan...
then it's just a matter of hours).
Here is a piece of my peace tonight.
Enjoy the song
Enjoy the song
and enjoy your weekend.
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