It's seriously summer.
One day hot and beautiful,
Here I caught the first tiger lily in bloom!--
---the next day rainy.
The rains created some serious puddles to jump in,
and some great water flow in the creek
ideal for rubber duck racing.
The boys placed bets on which color would win
like race track junkies.
Things turned serious
when a rubber duckie got stuck in the tube.
I love it when guys stand around and problem solve.
Even the little guys.
Summer is seriously the time for outdoor exercise
exploring nature,
and baseball.
Finding worms to fish
is serious business,
as is catching toads.
Ellen's mark of a serious golfer--
Onto the most serious topic of the week:
It's time for Natalie's wisdom teeth to come out.
4 impacted!
On Wednesday, June 28th, at 6:30 am
we would like all of the Lamp Post Readers
to say a prayer for Natalie--
that her body is strong and goes through her surgery fine,
and heals quickly.
Pastor Keith at South Harborcreek United Methodist Church
passed this out to the congregation a few years ago
and I keep it in my Bible and read it almost every day.
Our family would very much like to tap into that power next week.
Remember us, please.
And for another very serious story of the week
and one that made an impact on my heart--
the suicide of a Bedford, PA teen who was a victim of bullying.
If you can read the full obituary with the commentary to the bullies, please do.
It is painful, but important.
Review this lesson for the weekend:
Know the difference between rude, mean, and bullying.
Test Next Week!
Pass or Fail.
100% A
or it's an F.
It's simple.
Learn this and commit it to your memory.

Goodnight, Readers.
Please be kind to all things,
and also be kind enough to remember us on Wednesday morning, June 28th.

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