Friday, January 12, 2018

Lesson 517: AdvICE!

We're in for an icy, cold weekend, Readers.

You may as well pour yourselves a hot drink

and do a little mindless scrolling through this ad free blog.

Erie's seven feet of snow 

was reduced to rolling hills of dirty slush.

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Just as we're finally free of it all,

the temperatures began another icy descent.

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It was a rare 55 degrees as I left for work this morning.

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41 mid day when I was traveling to my next school at lunchtime.

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down to 36 an hour and a half later
as I went to pick up Sam.
We had an early dismissal.

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Good move, school officials.
It was mighty slick at regular dismissal time.

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It's fallen even further by the time of this writing.

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Surviving life during a long winter 
warrants some of Eloise's advice.

Don't leave milk in the garage refrigerator
in very cold temperatures.
It does explode.

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Find something enjoyable to do inside.
We like watching basketball.

Image may contain: basketball court and indoor

The weekend tournament games for Friday night were cancelled,
so I popped in Hoosiers for inspiration instead.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, living room and indoor

Maybe we'll follow the history of small-town Indiana,
will appear on the banner in our gym.

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Find something you like to do outside.

Go for a walk.
Grab your camera.
See what you can see.

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Image may contain: bird, sky, tree, plant, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: bird

Get physical!

 Shovel the driveway.
Chip the car out.
Bring in firewood.

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

If you are looking for something to get your moving,
consider coming along on the Winery Runs!

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It's not a Thing, really,
but it could be for you if you participate.
It's my own little motivator
to keep me moving during the winter months,
and half marathon ready by July.
I ran to all of these wineries in 2013
and my friends and I all agreed it's time for a repeat.

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We have the first one penciled in on the calendar
for Saturday, January 27th.
Time to be announced depending on weather conditions.
If it's too terrible,
we'll schedule for a later date.
Find Eloise for more details if you are interested.

Eloise isn't much of an athlete.
I'm about as much of an athlete as I am a photographer.
I like to take pictures and have a camera--
but I'm no photographer.
I also enjoy sports and like to exercise,
but that does not make me an athlete either.

So, if you are sitting there pondering whether or not you can go the distance,
Eloise is telling you that you probably can.
Here is some advice from a non-athlete on how you can get started.

#1-get to a doctor to make sure you are good to go.
Eloise prefers chiropractic care as the first order of business.
Chiropractors get to know the structure of your body
and can help you out with the alignment needed for injury free exercise.

The best 6 doctors:

#2 Pay attention to the fuel you are putting into your tank.
If you want to make your car go, 
you have to put the right gas in it.
It doesn't matter if you are driving a corvette,
a Sherman tank,
or an old jalopy--
your vehicle needs good fuel so be watching what you eat and drink---
(so we can go fill up on wine and crackers afterwards!)

#fitness #motivation #nutrition

#3 Invest in good footwear
Go get fitted for shoes and find what works best for you.
Now that I know what brand and style is best for my feet,
I order a new color every six months--
and I usually find them discounted on Amazon.

Runner Things #872

# 4 Get a belt or fanny pack
Take some essentials along with you:
phone, money, water, Kleenex, I carry Benedryl for bee allergies

#Running. #life

#5  Stop and smell the roses
or even better,
stop and snap a picture!
Make it more than just a run.
Make it another step in your journey.

joy in the journey

Be smart, play safe, and step carefully this weekend.

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