Friday, May 11, 2018

Lesson 535: Nerd Words

Good evening, Readers.
I feel lucky to be able to write tonight.

I almost bagged the blog tonight.
I've been home about a total of four hours since Monday,
and my fuel tank is running on E.

I'm all about the streak though,
and 535 Fridays I've been here,
so here we go.

Thanks to some enthusiastic pestering,
I got my Gifted Conference I wanted so much.

We nerded out nicely this afternoon,
talking of pod casts,
the latest books,

and put our heads together to network, share ideas, and think.

"Education is the Kindling of a Flame, Not the Filling of a Vessel" Socrates Quote Teacher's Gift Mug #ad

Without even a moment to peek at my pictures for the week,
I'll borrow nerd words tonight from some of the greatest thinkers,
and intersperse them with the photos of the week.
It's like pairing wine with cheese.
Here's this week's sample.

Lady Huskies

stephen hawking


"I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious." Love this quote from Albert Einstein! (Try Love Simple)

STEM Night 

Albert Einstein quote creativity is intelligence having fun on aqua background.

Prom is Saturday!
Sneak peek at some decorations.
(I was hiding behind a tree--can you tell?)

#yoga #yogainspiration

My world

 Play is the highest form of research--Albert Einstein

I love children.

Advice for our future leaders.

100 Top Quotes Inspiration That Will Inspire You Extremely 1013727d99f31476ac70bd853275b43b 68

Never give up #AlbertEinstein



you never fail until you stop trying // albert einstein #keepgoing #lifeadvancer - @LifeAdvancer

I didn't fail.
I got this post up,
and now it's time to put me down.
Time for my bedtime story.

Best Inspirational  Quotes About Life    QUOTATION – Image :    Quotes Of the day  – Life Quote  | #lifeadvancer | Life Advancer  Sharing is Caring – Keep QuotesDaily up, share this quote !  - #Life

Good night everyone,

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