Friday, May 17, 2019

Lesson 592: A Little Something

Hello, Readers.

Here's a little something to tide you over 
until the waves of photos that will be taken 
in the next few weeks.

Lamp Posters have two big birthday milestones
and three big graduations!

There is a ton of prep work to be done,
so I try to balance the long lists of To Dos
with some nice long walks with Hazel.

We're working on fetch.
I'm used to a lab, who didn't need to be taught,
but she's catching on.

She sniffs out EVERYTHING.
Here's a little something she discovered this week.

A killdeer and her chicks!

She'd chirp and call them in to hide under her wings.
Oh, to witness a mother's love!

Here's a big something:

Look at this fine fellow I found in the HC Community Park!

He likes to sit on the light pole between fields 3 and 4.

Isn't he something?

All but one of my feral cats survived the winter.

They come every morning and meow for me
until I come with a bucket of food

and a saucer of milk.

Lately they've taken up their cat morning meetings
on the trampoline.

Now isn't that something?

The Clark School tree is a nice shade of spring green,

which means the school year is nearing its end,
as well as my family's time at Clark School.
Sam will walk through the doors 
ending the elementary school era.

Sam's buddy Jake left him a little something
to remember a hard line drive hit right back to the pitcher.

A nice bruise on his left bicep.

For the last five years I've been conducting an experiment.
Will the front porch robins return 
to put a nest on top of last year's nest?
Apparently so!

I think I count four little somethings in there!

The spring has been wet.
The outfielders were wondering who the creepy guy was
watching from the tractor.

Just the hubby.
He got the tractor stuck in the mud.

Little somethings make me the happiest.
Dandelions gone to seed
in the tall, green grass.

Red winged blackbirds.

Pink flowers

New favorite kid snacks.

And a really good book.
(It's my first Western!)

My favorite little something of the week
is Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber's new song
I Don't Care.
The song gets a 10 out of 10 for Eloise.
I was not expecting this video,
but I just love it.

Pile up your little somethings this weekend.
See you next week.

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