Friday, November 8, 2019

Lesson 617: The Solution is Weed

Hello, Readers.

It's a big night at the Lamp Post.
First Snow!

Glad Sam and Natalie readied the woodpile.

The first snow,
with some leaves left on the trees
is so pretty.

The skies are so interesting in November.

Hazel wasn't too sure about the snow this morning,
but soon realized her sticks were easier to find.

Aunt Eloise experience a Horrible Hater incident this past Sunday
when I was leaving the pet supply store with my nephew.
My 22 year old nephew is severely impaired with significant autism.
He is non-verbal, 
but not deaf.
Unable to communicate as we do,
but completely able to feel.

I posted a summary of the account on facebook.
My photoless post circulated more than any I've shared in a year.
I never did find out the identity of the older,
well-dressed man
wearing a plaid button down shirt,
behind the steering wheel of a $40,000 silver truck.
His issue was that we were in too close a proximity to his truck.
Despite the inclusion movement
and all we've done to desensitize a public
 to community involvement 
for people with special needs,
this man thought Erik would be better off "in a place."

Picasso #quotes... Soo important to promote inclusion inside and outside the classroom....

I'd love for the chance to talk with this person,
even though that I know data concerning paradigm shifts
is not in my favor.

The shifting of paradigms goes both ways,
I suppose.
I mean,
this guy has it all figured out.
The solution to all problems and plagues of the autistic:


Thank you, Kind Sir.
I'll tell all my pals down at Barber National,
all of my school friends,
and every family learning to live with autism,
that is all comes down to weed.

Simply genius.

The annoyance that I felt was only momentary
when you add up all the moments of the week.

Eloise is:

The very next day
this anonymous gift and kind note was on my doorstep!

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At least 20 people messaged me about goats needing a home.

Friend Wendy sent me my all time favorite capture
at the end of one of the best football games I've seen my Huskies play.

Handsome's book arrived in the mailbox.

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And I laughed and laughed and laughed
at these T-Rex's racing.

Life really is good.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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