Welcome to the Lamp Post, September!
We are glad to see you roll in.
Eloise is feeling quite satisfied tonight after a successful second week of school.
My teacher friends and I are saying a collective Wow!
as we collapse onto our couches today after school.
I'm borrowing tonight's blog title from the Clark School sign.
Perfect message for the passersby.
As a community for learners we have a lot to be proud of.
The skies in September are worth the Wows.
The gray based, puff clouds are my favorite.
Even the moon had us in awe this week.
Summer turns to fall as the bright yellow dandelion moves to seed.
Find your Wow in the last few weeks of meteorologist's summer.
A teacher's summer always ends on the first day of school.
We don't have too many more mows for Sam to practice his new skill.
Mr. Eloise did not have the patience to teach Ellen to drive,
but he does well coaching them on the tractor.
Wow in the tasting world--
the grapes have turned purple and in about a week,
my town will have its famous smell.
Natalie is celebrating the return of her favorite drink--
pumpkin spice anything.
If we do get to a Halloween party this year,
I'm dressing her up as the Starbucks mermaid.
Starbucks is her favorite!
We celebrated back to school with some special lunch box cookies
from Frank's Farm Market.
I think I'm most proud of how teachers are coming together
to support one another.
Speaking for most of us,
Speaking for most of us,
this is the hardest we've worked,
the most we've learned,
the hardest we've planned,
and the most nervous we've been since student teaching!
Who thought there would be so many of these?

At the same time we are celebrating our successes,
we worry about our local college.
Art is on the chopping block.
Ellen's art therapy class was a wonderful addition to her fall schedule.
Ellen's art therapy class was a wonderful addition to her fall schedule.
She has learned so much already
and plans to use art therapy in her speech therapy as
Speech Pathologist one day.
Ellen posted this mandala to share with her class
and someone asked her if they could use her design for their tattoo.
Flattering, for sure,
but all I could think of was
that's a lot of needle pokes.
Sam's football team has moved to full pads for practice
in their cautious and slow start to the season.
Mother Eloise isn't sure what kind of photos I'll get this season,
if any at all.
That's why I'm scouting out practice
so I have some photos for the 2020 scrapbook.
Hazel is plumb tuckered out for chasing my most elusive feral cat,
Sneaky Pete.
I'm working on another children's book since The Key
was such a pandemic hit with my students.
They've been asking for another book
and I sure have plenty of content ideas.
The wow I'm reading now is this page turner.
Eloise and Grandma highly recommend!
My young adult current read is this one--
it reads like a John Green novel--
very well written but sort of sad.

I've been wowing myself with my online shopping skills.
Thank you for your purchase
Thank you for your purchase
is becoming quite a familiar phrase.
And after spending nearly two weeks toeing the line,
the rebel in me couldn't stand it any more.
Sorry high school admin.
At the end of the day today I couldn't resist--
I walked the wrong way down the one way hallway.
It was a rush.
Have a great weekend.

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