Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lesson 887: Cold Snap


Good morning, Readers.

Every once in awhile the newspaper arrives late.

We've been play-off basketballing it all week,

and last night was another late game in Edinboro.

Both were close and exciting,

winners decided in the last few seconds of each game.

One went our way.

Note the smiles.

Last night did not.

Every game there are bad calls.
I do believe the refs always try to do their best.
This time,
in the final seconds,
there was an over the back called on Sam
that was not that at all.

I praised Sam on how well he handled it.
I have never seen reactions from him on the court.
He really keeps his cool.
Sam said,

It's part of the game.
You just have to play through it.

We aren't out yet--
we have another game next week 
against Farrell.
This scrappy team is really looking forward
to another chance.

I was seated across from the student section.
Teens are funny.
Odd birds to observe.

Some have grown very accustomed to me
and sense my lens.

Even from across a big field house.

What are the Lamp Posters 
on the lookout for this weekend?

Hopefully some relief from the cold snap.

Wet cold,


                                                    and snow continue throughout out region.

I'm finishing up this good book.
I can't figure out the mystery.

We are trying to choose a paint
for the living room.

We called in Niece Megan 
to settle a few fights.

Mr. Lamp Post is drawing up some plans
to make me this!
4 x 4 raised garden bed,
so I can experiment with 
16 different small crops!

I never want to hurry spring,
as you have to let Mother Nature do her thing.
But I am anxious to get growing.

Garden Princess has been preparing
her flowers.
She is going to have an epic
flower garden!
She's welcoming this extended cold snap.

Have a great weekend.

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