Friday, March 28, 2014

Lesson 294: Seven Gratitudes

It's a busy evening at the Lamp Post.
Sam turns lucky seven and we're having a little celebration.

Sam is among all his favorite people tonight.

Isn't that how we all would like to end our week?

 The pretty lady in the photo with Sam is Grandma.  She plays a leading role in my story The Key, and the character of Grandma in the story is based on her.  

For those of you coming late to the party, I've been publishing my children's novel, chapter by chapter, on the Lamp Post every day in March, through the story's completion in April. If you are a careful reader of the Lamp Post and like to put things together, you should already know how many chapters are in the story. There will be that many, plus an Epilogue.  

Mid April I will comment more about The Key, to give you slower readers a chance to catch up.  I've been asked many questions about the plot of the story, the characters, and my reasons for writing the book. I am keeping running record of your inquiries and promise to create a FAQ page in April.  

I encourage you to stick with the story if you started it, even if you've fallen behind.  The beginning isn't very good, but it does get better.  When you finish the story, I have prizes for your accomplishment.  The Key is similar in word count to the first Harry Potter!

Eloise promised herself not to write about the weather anymore.
You've had enough of reading about Erie's tough winter.
Just a quick update--snow this week did pull us ahead of Syracuse, NY.
You can read the full story here:


We had another snowy workout on Tuesday.

Doc gave us an important reminder.

I'm forwarding it on to all of the Lamp Post readers, too.
In honor of my son's seven years, I thought of seven things I am grateful for.

I've been grateful that the long, colorless winter has motivated me all the more to search for pretty.

 #1--Ice really is beautiful.

#2--So is Erie's bay front.

#3--Watching the sun come up is always something to be grateful for.

#4--I am grateful to have a camera with the capability to capture it all.  Many of you have inquired about the exact make and model of my camera.  I have a Canon SX50.  It is not the big, expensive DSLR, nor does it have extra lenses.  It is a really great value if you like photography, don't want to mess with lenses, and have a decent eye.  It is weaker with indoor lighting or moving sports shots.

This is the shot I took of the moon one morning this week.

I zoomed in on it through the trees,

while standing in my living room!

I never moved an inch on the three shots above, and used no photo editing.
That's some lens!

#5--I am grateful to have friends that like to do the same things I do.

We ran for pancakes last Sunday.

I got the miles in, but passed on the pancake part.
I went to church instead, but in truth, those runs are my church too.
God leaves his fingerprint everywhere.

#5--I am grateful my eyes have been opened to it all.

#6--I'm grateful for schools that support wellness and family activities.
Family kickball night at Clark School:

#7--I am grateful for friends who continue to push me beyond my comfort zone.

Look where Eloise is headed!
I'm flying solo!
I can't wait for Handsome and some Southern hospitality!

This next gratitude doesn't have a number, but it does have the number symbol # , known as the hashtag.  Eloise is grateful for friends who post selfies.  I did a little facebook thievery this week.  You are all very good sports--thank you.

Enjoy the fun video and this catchy but annoying song, #SELFIE by The Chainsmokers.  You may need a cigarette after you listen to it a few times.  It's as annoying to me as a person who can't get their plurals right.

Enjoy your week!

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