Friday, July 5, 2019

Lesson 599: Liberty

Happy Fourth of July, Readers!
The holiday weekend ship has set sail.

Image may contain: sky, ocean, boat, outdoor, water and nature

Allow me the liberty of reminding us 
of what we need to celebrate most.

What could be more joyful
than to live free from oppression?




Appreciate and celebrate 
those fundamental truths.

Eloise celebrates the big things
 such as our liberties,
as well as the little things.

A well behaved dog,

Kids with sticks,

A butt whooping win

Image may contain: one or more people and text

and when the face of your opponent
 looks like this at the end of the game.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, playing a sport and outdoor

Good sportsmanship earns respect.

Slammy didn't leave the field with a smile
on Wednesday.

I happened upon this scene
as I arrived a few minutes late to the game.

Head count.
Who's down?

When it's your kid.

The hurt from an injury

isn't as nearly as painful as sitting out the rest of the game.

Thankfully, our friend, Erie chiropractor, Dr. Steven Krauza 
made time to see Sam 
and put the "l" back into Slam.

After a hip and knee adjustment
Sam tried cupping
to expedite the healing process.

Cupping is a great and inexpensive 
way to help your body along after an injury.
According to Doctor Krauza,
cupping helps the body with most things,
but it is most commonly associated with sports injuries.
There are many benefits to cupping.

you get really cool circle marks on your body
that make for great storytelling.

Sam allowed the photos 
hoping it would help some other kid 
get off the bench and onto the field.


Get off your bench and celebrate your liberty.

Have a great weekend!


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