Sunday, December 23, 2018

Lesson 569: Happy Trails

Happy trails, Readers!
Eloise and family have been Christmasing this weekend.

Each year, my in-laws have a Holly Trail.
Families sign up for a Holly Stop,
and host drinks and food
along a trail of cheer.

It's a great party to have,
because you only have to host for about a half an hour

before you move onto the next stop.

You get a chance to see every one's Christmas decorations,

and celebrate excitements.

Eloise always checks out the ornaments

and likes to photograph the tree toppers.

Here's ours:

Little kid refrigerator art is my favorite!

I love Santa's lap photos!

We laugh and listen to music and watch everyone wrestle Sam.

We pick a theme each year,
and this year was Cowboy Christmas!

I'm not sure,
but I think it was because Rusty
 wanted a chance to wear his stuff.

The brave played this game--
the slowest one to hit their button gets shocked.

The best part of the night was looking through old photos.

Kim brought out shoe boxes full of them.
We looked.

We remembered.

We marveled how quickly time does fly.

We discovered things--
A newborn photo of my husband.

A preschool report card--

and learned Jon got an Needs Improvement in skipping.

After a few drinks Jon worked on that skill and he still can't do it.
Looks like drinking celebrations around the holidays
have been a long standing tradition.

the 2018 Clan is keeping the tradition alive.

We discovered that safety wasn't a main concern
when you bring your gun to Christmas.

I do believe El Chapo was at a family party.
I think that's him in the red hat on the right.

But of all the discoveries last night,
one stands out from the rest.

In the box,
mixed in with old and bent photographs,
were the last words written by my father-in-law, Sam,
whom our son is named after.
He's been gone over two decades now.

Louie and I did not know this existed.
It must have been lost of the shuffle
as many things are 
after his sudden and tragic death from a brain tumor.

Important words,

from a much loved man,

about how we should be living.

Until we meet again, Sam,
the family will do you proud.

I cannot close this blog without showing you the most unique
teacher gift I've ever received.
Many of this weekends memories will be recorded
in this beautiful journal,

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

made from recycled elephant dung.

thank you!
I couldn't have received it at a more perfect time.

Merry Christmas,

Charlie Brown Christmas. It's not what's under the Christmas tree that matters; it's who's around it...

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