Hello, Windy Winter Weekend.
Hazel is not having it.

How do the birds do it?

Seagulls are so tough.

I snapped those photos along Erie's
charming bay front area.

We were down that way last Saturday for Sam.

He was in an academic competition for a change!

The speed round was something to watch.
Spectators can watch the last round.
The questions are put up on a screen
The questions are put up on a screen
and are read to the Mathletes.
Mathetes go head to head,
or rather,
big brain to big brain
in sets of two.
The students hit buzzers
The students hit buzzers
to signal they arrived at an answer.
I didn't get a single question correct ahead of the participants.
I didn't get a single question correct ahead of the participants.
Most questions I hadn't fully completed reading
and the buzzers were already going off.
So impressive!
Sam's sisters passed on the math competition,
but headed to the Gannon game to cheer on
our friend Ali B!
While at the game,
Sam volunteered to be part of the halftime competition.
He also volunteered Ellen's boyfriend.
Since you really can't say no
to your girlfriend's little brother--
there they went
head to head
in a fierce game of tic tac toe.
Somebody made a clean sweep.
Readers can guess who.
Speaking of clean--
a third grade teacher I work with
replicated this science experiment with her class.

Here is the article about this lesson.
It's a great lesson on the importance of hand washing.

Simple soap and water
and good hygiene habits
may help our charming American towns
as the dreaded corona virus
makes its way across the globe.
Taking care of your mental health
is extra important during these uncertain times.
Doctors and scientists are finding conclusive evidence
that good mental health
and a positive outlook
can boost immune systems.
I read this book several years ago and loved it.

Not only has Gretchen Rubin
studied and written about the science
and psychology behind habits,

and written a few books on the topic,

She also hosts my new favorite podcast
with her sister Elizabeth Kraft.
This is a great time to start it
if you haven't tuned in yet.
This week's episode was their
5 year anniversary episode
and they took you back to where Happier all began.
The sisters reviewed their favorite
happiness habits
and I must say,
I've tried them recently and they work for me.
Check out their one minute rule:
if a task can be done in less than 60 seconds,
do it without delay!
Another one I like is a weekly Power Hour.
It will help create
Outer Order=Inner Calm.

in a smaller town
check this out!
I'm sorry to say that
or North East, Pennsylvania
did not make the list.
I'm hoping North East, PA,
my hubby's birthplace,
and my summer retreat for most of my life,
finds fame in getting a town face lift
by HGTV.
If you are from the area,
check out their video contest submission below.
One of the other great suggestions
from my Happier podcast was
to be a tourist in your own town.
My mom brought this over to my house this week.
I read it over a perfect cup of coffee,
and I sticky tabbed
everything I wanted to see and do,
from places to eat,
parks to visit,
and trails to explore.