Friday, September 28, 2018

Lesson 556: Round Out

Hello, Readers!

Eloise is rounding out the week 
with some good news.
Daughter Ellen Louise and some teammates will be
chasing that maddening dimpled, white ball around for another week.
The Girls Golf Team is headed into District Play.

We rolled into the golf course for senior night last Monday
just in time to watch the ladies finish---
and before my ice melted.
Eloise had another trigeminal nerve flare up--

YES, THIS IS PART OF FIBROMYALGIA TOO , nerve pain in face and teeth,its never ending!!!

the worst I've experienced so far.

Perfect illustration! :( for trigeminal neuralgia. This is how I feel right now

Pain medication does not help.

Nope, it ain't working .......... must up the dose ! .................. Must remember to have a sandwich next time !!!

I spent most of the last week
and visiting chiropractors.
 After some deeper investigation
into the steadily worsening symptoms--
Eloise was pleased to find out she has her first abscessed tooth!

Weird statement,
but I've never been so happy about anything in my life.

The root of the tooth was aggravating the nerve.
Antibiotics and Advil have taken down the swelling,
and I'll be cartwheeling into the specialist on Monday.

Cute Girl

Needless to say,
there weren't too many photos taken.
even when in pain,
it helps to get outside and 
surround yourself in beauty.
Early fall is so pretty!

While in pain,
I really thought about how sharp our world has become-
sharp toned
sharp edged.

We are surrounded by squares and rectangular shapes
with pointed edges
that are sharp
and point
and accuse.

Phones are rectangular--
everyone is always looking at those.

TV screens--
all square.

Post boxes are square on social media.
Nice, neat, little boxes that house our opinions
in lines with seemingly no give.

I'd like to see us soften some of those edges--
round out the world again,
so to speak.

Just ask a school aged kid.

Start with Hello!
There is such a roundness to the word.
Say it to yourself.
Your mouth rounds out,
and following the close of the O
your lips turn upwards into a smile.

Hello is such a nice word.

This movement is part of the Sandy Hook Promise.
Your weekend homework is to check it out.

After a tough and tiring week,
I went into school today and discovered this laminated sign
in my classroom.

On it my colleagues wrote nice comments about ME!

Talk about a pick-me-up!
It gave me enough of a mental boost to finish the week strong.

Positive comments are contagious.
Even the students are in on the game.

I have to Round Out this blog post
because simply put,

Need. More. Sleep.

 Make the weekend a great one--
and start it with Hello!


Friday, September 21, 2018

Lesson 555: The Road to Happiness

Hello, Readers.
Eloise here,
writing from Happy Street.

We are celebrating daughter Ellen Louise's 
18 years of life this weekend.

Daughter #2 popped into the world on 
September 22, 2000.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, tree, outdoor and text

She was a Y2K baby.
Can you recall what that was?

Born exactly on her due date,
at 11:11 pm,
she came into this world on the day we wished it--
cousin Ben's 20th birthday.
My in-laws could then say
their oldest and youngest grandchildren were exactly 20 years apart.

As Ellen enters adulthood, 
Mother Eloise contemplated the advice I'd give her.
I first asked myself the question,
What do I want for my daughter?

I think my answer is similar to most:
I want her to be happy.

So, how do you get to happy, Ellen Louise?
There are no maps to the endpoint,
because the endpoint does not exist.

Don't think of Happy as a destination you reach,

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, sky, cloud, ocean, outdoor, water and nature

think of it as an enjoyable journey.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, ocean, sky, outdoor and nature

Happiness (definition): the joy that we feel striving for our potential.

Happiness is built,
and I hope you thoroughly enjoy laying the bricks 
along your yellow brick road.

I know what makes you happy.
I have visual proof
because I surfed your pin boards on Pinterest.
Pinterest pin boards tell stories of their own.

Happy little girls 
with red head scarves 
near camels make you happy.

You've learned the words 

and courage
mean a whole lot.

You know happiness is built 
from not missing the moments.
Always be present to capture them.

Nothing builds a happy life like serving others with 
the gifts God gave you.

You have chosen a perfect path of study.
Speech Pathology suits you well.

Happiness comes from loving animals.
Even elephants.

The Road to Happiness truly is a no end destination,
so enjoy the journey.
I hope your ride is at least a century long.

This book is going to appear on your bedside table soon.
The Road to Character is a path to follow, too.

Image result for The Road to Character

If you aren't up for reading,
then I encourage you to check out 
Oprah's Super Soul Sunday podcast with Shawn Anchor.

He teaches Positive Psychology at Harvard
and I find his work fascinating.


Weekend homework in honor of Ellen's birthday for EVERYONE,
not just Ellen:

Check out Shawn Anchor's 12 minute TED Talk.
It is clever and funny and fast paced.
It's happiness in a nutshell.

What better a song to choose for your 18th birthday video
than The Road to Happiness
by Cam.

Happy birthday, dear sweet Ellen Louise.
Enjoy the journey.

Mother Eloise

Friday, September 14, 2018

Lesson 554: Love Wins

Good evening, Readers.
It's a balmy Friday night here in Harborcreek (one word), PA.

Eloise spent the evening at the local Harbor Creek (two words) stadium

Watching the Huskies (plural noun)
secure another victory.

Eloise is one proud Huskie (singular noun,
 identifier related to a school mascot).

Thank you to the good sports across the bridge.
You are brave (adjective) Braves (proper noun,
 identifier related to a school mascot).

We love the IE,
so we're keeping it.
Love wins.

A Y on the end of Huskie leaves us as aghast 
as Sam thinking this outfit matches.
Ellen told him he looked like a sunset.
Love won that battle, too.
Sam didn't change.

Speaking of sunsets,
the Walmart parking lot is a great place to capture them.

Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor and nature

I was riding my bike one evening this week
and a beautiful cloud caught my eye.

Image may contain: cloud, sky, mountain, nature and outdoor

I watched it all through the park,
and noted how different it looked from different angles.
The light played such a major factor.
Light brings out the beauty in everything.

Image may contain: sky, cloud, nature and outdoor

This is the same cloud after the sun dropped below the tree line,

Image may contain: cloud, sky, nature and outdoor

at now an early 7:20 pm.
Light is love,
and when capturing this cloud,
Love Wins.

We sure do love the Barber National Institute's 
Beast on the Bay!

This girl did part of the regular course,

along with the adapted course.

Our ever growing team of people who took on the course

or the adapted one

or bought a Happy People T-shirt

or showed up to cheer at the finish line

or wait expectantly for loved ones to come through--

Thank you!

Our children have far exceeded expectations
because of education through Barber National
and a supportive community.

Natalie was so determined this year!

I was so happy

to be there to capture it.

So who won this race along Presque Isle's beaches

and trails

and swamps?

Love Won.

I spent less time running the course
and more time watching this year.
Cousin Bonnie was missed this year!

It gave me more time to really spectate
and in that I developed a great admiration for other people 
and what they do.

Every person has a story.
Stories need to be told.

When you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story. Everyone has gone trough something that has changed them.
I was thinking of other ways to share stories and information--
avenues beyond this blog.

I'd love to know what the mayor thought about the day
and if he liked parking cars.

I'd love to know what Maureen Barber thought about the day,
and why she is a Notre Dame fan.

I'm thinking the Lamp Post needs to go mobile.
I love podcasts so much
why not make one of my own?

Image result for podcasts blue app

Mobile Lamp Post--Sunday Drive editions,
these could be video though,
and Eloise is slightly scared of video.
I'm all about being brave now.

If James Corden can carpool karaoke,
why can't I?

My sister just screamed,

Image result for podcasts


do any of you have any experience?
If so,
give me a hoot and a holler.

To close out the night,
Carrie Underwood's song Love Wins
from her new album that was released today.
Great tunes!
