Good evening, Readers.
It's been quite a week.
The school year has ended,
like a dandelion gone to seed,
while Erie is still in the yellow,
Our Pennsylvania world is divided by
and green.

The thing with leaving a yellow light burn too long,
is that people will accelerate through it anyway.

This corona.
It's yellow.
And good.
I had mine with a hot dog
at a
and blue
socially distanced outdoor gathering
for my immediate family
on Memorial Day.

The orange and black
begins their final honors for the
Class of 2020.

In my humble opinion,
they've done a wonderful job
trying to make the end of the year
as special as they could

for our masked graduates.

We had a few summer-like days
of brilliant blue skies
and calm blue waters.
The students final reports were generated today.
The success of their quarantine studies
are all in black and white.
As Mrs. Eloise posted the last chapters and the epilogue
of her 2011 novel The Key,
student responses rolled in.
The novel ended up
coming in clutch for pandemic reading assignments.
J K Rowling
also dug out a story
she wrote for her children years ago,
also 34 chapters long.
Mine was 33 chapters and an epilogue.
This free read,
with an illustration contest
open to kids aged 7-12
has me tickled pink.
We can't walk away from a blog post
titled Color
without giving some space for this.

Grades are due today
and if I was giving the world in general
a grade for Behavior,
I'm sorry to say that this week,
it's an F in many sub categories.
We can do better.
We must.