It's the weekend, Readers!
We are jumping for joy because Spring finally arrived at 6:45 pm today.
March 20th is also the International Day of Happiness.
Eloise is going to do her part to change the world for the better,
and share this information with you.
The International Day of Happiness was designated by the United Nations in 2012,
aiming to make happiness a fundamental human goal.
The International Day of Happiness Resolution 65/309 was the result of the effort the Kingdom of Bhutan and its Gross National Happiness Initiative. [2]
Bhutan? Where in the hell is Bhutan?
If you asked yourself this question,
Eloise has the answer at the ready:
More on Bhutan from Wikipedia:
The initiative to declare a day of happiness came from
Bhutan – a country whose citizens are considered to be some of the happiest people in the world. The Himalayan Kingdom has championed an alternative measure of national and societal prosperity, called the Gross National Happiness Index (GNH). The GNH rejects the sole use of economic and material wealth as an indicator of development, and instead adopts a more holistic outlook, where spiritual well being of citizens and communities is given as much importance as their material well being.
The Happiness idea is not new.
It took 40 years of crabbyassness to finally catch on.
Bhutan proposed the Happiness Initiative way back in 1972,
when I was making art in my playpen.
Here is the timeline swiped from wikipedia,
which if you recall, I told you not to trust a few weeks ago.
Nevertheless, here it is---
with Eloise's commentary inserted in RED.
From Wikipedia:
History of Happiness Development Initiatives[edit]
The following historical timeline lists happiness development milestones and international happiness initiatives.
- 1972
- Bhutan's King introduced the Gross National Happiness (GNH) philosophy and its four development pillars at an international conference. [4]
- Because any Joe Schmo can insert what they want on Wikipedia, I'll interject that the idea went over like a lead balloon.
- Fast forward to 33 years later.............
- 2005
- International Institute of Management introduced second generation GNH (GNH 2.0), the first GNH Index and the first Global GNH Index Survey[5] Copycatters
- 2006 - The International Institute of Management published a policy white paper calling for the implementation of GNH philosophy in the US and inviting scholars to build upon the GNH Index framework. [7]
- 2007
- Thailand releases Green and Happiness Index (GHI).[8]
- Yeah for Thailand!
- 2009
- In the United States, the Gallup poll system launched the happiness survey collecting data on national scale.[9] The Gallup Well-Being Index was modeled after the GNH Index framework of 2005. The Well-Being Index score is an average of six sub-indexes that measures life evaluation, emotional health, work environment, physical health, healthy behaviors , and access to basic necessities. In October 2009, the USA scored 66.1/100. WTF? Leave it to the US to complicate things.
- 2010
- The Center for Bhutan Studies further defined the original four pillars with greater specificity into eight general contributors to happiness—physical, mental and spiritual health; time-balance; social and community vitality; cultural vitality; education; living standards; good governance; and ecological vitality. The Bhutan GNH Index. [10]
- Eloise suggests a 9th contributor--Sex--they left out good sex.
- 2011
- UN General Assembly Resolution 65/309, titled "Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development" [12]
- The United Nations released the World Happiness Report
- Here is the World Happiness Report: We are 17th, crabbily sandwiched between Mexico and Ireland
2013 ranking (2010-12 surveys)[edit]
- 2012
- Meanwhile, back in the US...... A report prepared for the US Congressman Hansen Clarke, R, Researchers Ben, Beachy and Juston Zorn, at John F. Kennedy School of Government in Harvard University, recommended that "the Congress should prescribe the broad parameters of new, carefully designed supplemental national indicators; it should launch a bipartisan commission of experts to address unresolved methodological issues, and include alternative indicators." Oh, for Pete's sake! They proposed that the government can use the survey results to see which well-being dimensions are least satisfied and which districts and demographic groups are most deficient, so as to allocate resources accordingly. The report list the Gross National Happiness Index and its seven measurement area as one of the main frameworks to consider.[15]
- South Korea launched Happiness Index citing the GNH Index framework. Not a bad idea when you have those neighbors to the north.
- The city of Seattle in Washington, launched its own happiness index initiative, emphasizing measures similar to the GNH Index. I move Erie, Pennsylvania is next to launch and Eloise is leading the initiative.
- Each year since the day's inception the charity has coordinated an international campaign to coincide with day, bringing together a coalition of over 60 organisations[20] to promote positive social action to help create a happier and more caring world. In 2015 their campaign, titled 'YOUR HAPPINESS IS PART OF SOMETHING BIGGER', focuses on the importance of human connection in the context of the epidemic of loneliness and isolation in modern societies. Big, red thumbs up. Eloise likes this! As well as running the official website they have organised happiness flash-mobs in 12 cities across the world[21] and promote the sharing of positive messages on social media on the hash tag #internationaldayofhappiness. Whaaat?!?!?!?! A happiness flash mob! 12 cities in the world?!?? Make room for Erie, Pennsylvania! We are about to become the lucky 13th. I'm thinking steps of the Dobbins Landing observation deck.
- Once again, is offering two free workbooks to all visitors: last year's International Day of Happiness workbook, "One Day of Fluent Happiness" and this year's workbook, "Happiness in the Workplace Every Day," acknowledging that unhappy workers cost companies more than $350 Billion a year in lost productivity and seeking solutions to counter that. Sorry, Teacher Peeps. Eloise knows kids can wear a person down faster than any fascist dictator---but if this workbook finds it way into your school mailbox, it is meant to help change the world, not wound your ego.
- Happy Newcomer Inc. in association with The Bolivian Center for Research in Positive Psychology have organized a campaign for the International Day of happiness by developing a web portal where people can share events and activities planned for this day. I'm right behind you, Bolivia. I made my own facebook page Finding Joy. Don't forget to join it, Readers.[24]
- Happiness International is encouraging people to make a "Happiness Day Resolution" by choosing one action supporting their happiness to continue developing over the coming year. To help people select the best action to match their needs for happiness, they are offering free access to their science-based online Happiness Planner™. Well, doesn't that kinda suck the fun right out of it? What ever happened to the joy of Spontaneity? [25]
It's for realz! I found the link. Crap, I said last week how much I hate secret facebook groups and now look what I've done. Had myself I nice slice of Crow Pie. I JOINED!
Here is one of the Secret Society of Happy People's shares.
Eckhart Tolle would definitely approve.
Here are some more links to connect to if you are interested in the Happiness Movement.
In short, after all of your clicking and research on Happy,
Eloise's advice summarized is this:
Here are some things that made Eloise happy this week:
I happily added to my Finding Joy facebook page,
open to the public.
My Joy Dare on March 14th was 3 Gifts Found in Silence.
At the Lamp Post?
What's that?
This was the only way I could make it happen.
March 14th was also the official,
once in a lifetime,
Pi Day.
March 14th--3-14,
at 9:26 in the morning
Pi makes Eloise happy.
This kind of pi.
Without the sugar.
I made my students memorize out to the first 33,
and many memorized digits beyond that.
Take a moment to look up pi's significance to the universe.
You, too, will see its beauty.
Eloise found happiness in the Disney Live Action Version of Cinderella last weekend!
If you are a hopeless romantic like Eloise,
and believe that with diligence, hope, and patience,
good things will come to you---
this movie is a must see!
Even Sweet Brown thinks so.
My recent running shoe deals brought me extreme happiness this week.
I am thrilled that white and light colored Mizunos didn't sell.
They are at the discounters, and I found TWO pair,
for less than half the price of one.
I'm set for a year.
Time to help me dirty these up, Team!
If you want to make your Shoe Mudding Assistance official,
sign up for the sixth offering of Challenge Erie--
a Wellness Program offered by Erie Chiropractor Dr. Steven Krauza.
Sign ups are open now.
Check out the Challenge Erie page on facebook or call his office for more information.
Eloise is IN for #6!
Join me for the most fun you will ever have getting well.

I had a happy Saint Patrick's Day.
I found out through some family research compiled by Cousin Jan,
that I do have a distant relative that resided in County Cork, Ireland.
There is a wee bit o' Irish in Eloise after all!
I suggested to my running group that we have our own St. Patty's Day run next year.
It will be a team competition--Irish descent versus the non-Irish.
I want to name the run the Erin-Go-Braless,
and the Irish team has to run sans the sports bras.
$5 admission for the male spectators,
and the girls could have ourselves quite a night on the town afterwards.
Seemed like a great idea until I found about Distant Cousin Twice Removed Seamus.
Gotta love the Irish.
They have the best sayings.
OK, a few need some revisions...
This is probably my favorite.
I made a set of photos for my Tuesday workout based on this pretty verse.
Maybe the Irish have it right.
I'm putting in a call to the CDC.
My trio was sure happy on Free Cone Day.
If you missed it,
the Ultra Organized can mark your calendars for next year.
In the remaining hours of this International Day of Happiness,
you have a choice, Readers.
Choose to be happy,
and find the beauty around you,
and all throughout this world.
Here's a link to help you out.
Beautiful people of the world
If you choose the alternative,
and live in a world of gossip, untruth, and negativity,
this one is for you.
Eloise encourages you to:
and always look for the first star to make a wish on.
Have the happiest of weekends, My Readers.