Happy Thanksgiving,
from the Lamp Post!
Erie is getting ready to close out a beautiful fall.
We are soaking up every last bit of color
before the fall rains
take down the last of it
one icy droplet
at a time.
Blessings are bountiful this year.
Family & friends.
Good heath & good fortune.
Those always top the list each holiday.
But it is also the small things that we are thankful for, too.
Surprise mail.
The moon.
Hills to climb up.
Hills to run down.
4th Grade Thanksgiving plays.
Babies on the way.
Thanksgiving is always ripe for picture taking.
I always have to take two group shots because
someone isn't looking.
Finger points go toward Erik and Natalie.
My heart doubled in size when Sam
wore his Daniel Boone costume to Thanksgiving dinner
without complaint.
He also wrote us each a Thanksgiving card
and included some of his tooth fairy stash
to add to our pocketbooks for holiday shopping.

No matter how you spent Thanksgiving,
at home,
away from home,
or at play,
Eloise hopes that you stopped and reflected
and gave thanks for the best things in your life.
My guess is that those best things,
aren't things at all.

No holiday is complete without laughter.
Eloise is doubly excited about my new ugly Christmas sweater.
It has two head holes!
I'll have this lucky find with me
at all times during the next month.
I'm making a new photo album for Natalie
because she has enjoyed her People Pictures so much
over the last two years.
Now it's time some more.
Here are some of Natalie's real, live people
having fun,
and being good sports.
It's such a silly little thing,
this double-headed sweater.
But after you put it on,
you just can't help but laugh.
A giggle can lift a spirit,
lighten a mood,
and change the energy of a room instantly.
If you see me this holiday season,
flag me down.
I'll probably have the elf sweater with me
and you can add yourself and a friend to Natalie's Album 2016.
And if the double-headed sweater photos weren't enough to make you laugh,
here's something almost impossible to keep a straight face through.
If you like this one,
there are several parts you can find on YouTube.
Nothing funnier than authentic kid-fails
captured right in the moment.
YouTube: Try Not to Laugh or Grin
Funny Kid-Fails 2016
Many thanks to all of you, Readers.
You keep me inspired every week with your stories and photos.
With gratitude,