The weekend has rolled 'round again, Readers.
It's hard to believe how fast the weeks go.
The January snows have returned to Erie after an unusually warm spell.
Lake Erie has not frozen,
even at the shoreline.
You can see some of the ice from the earlier cold snap,
but it has since broken from its icy grasp on the water
and lays dirty and dying alone the shoreline.
The freezing of the lake,
even along the shoreline,
is important.
The ice dunes protect the beaches
from the strong winter storms.
The waves roared over the break wall
to inflict this damage to my parents' cottage.
The power of Mother Nature is truly amazing.
It's hard to believe this calm,
pretty lake
can become so fierce,
so quickly.
On a lighter note,
the Lamp Post family gym uniform
has been passed a second time.
Natalie passed on these lovelies to Ellen,
and now that Ellen is done with gym,
she is passing them to her brother.
Given that my 18 year old,
16 year old,
and 9 year old
all are the same height and weight
(no lie),
I highly doubt Sam will be wearing
these shorts when he attends Harbor Creek as a seventh grader
in three more years!
The Lamp Post Wall of Presidents
is ready to make space for a new face.
Yes, you are correct if you looked again.
That is not a line on your screen.
George W. Bush fell off the wall.
Live with Sam and footballs,
and things just happen.
We're displaying the US Presidents on a wall between the kids' bedrooms.
We started with Clinton who was President when Natalie was born.
I wrote letters for the kids when they were little,
and sent them to the White House requesting a photo.
Ellen was old enough to write to Obama herself.
Each President sent something back--
It's always neat to see what they send.
My classes will be writing to President Trump in a few weeks,
a little closer to President's Day.
This blooming artist from Rolling Ridge
got the hair just right!

I always read the political cartoons,
and I thought this one was very clever.

The baby birds in my nest will be writing their letters to the President this weekend.
Sam got started right away.
He can't wait to see what stuff President Trump sends.
Ellen sat awhile.
I thought she had a brain fart.
She says she sending a blank page--
the equivalent of a black screen.
Sweet Natalie always does what she's told.
She needed some help with the spelling,
but kept her message simple.
She, too,
got the hair just right.
Weekend Bonus Assignment:
You can write your own letter to President Trump!
Blog readers who do and receive a return photograph
will get a prize!
President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC
It's a free country.
If you don't want to write,
don't write.
In either case,
this is your real assignment for the weekend.
Watch this!
Whether you grabbed your pen to write President Trump a love letter
or send hate mail,
this is something we cal ALL agree on.
Watch this darling little girl and her daddy sing.