Hello, Readers.
It's been one of those crazy weeks.
There is lots of activity here at the Lamp Post
with the start of classes beginning next week.
Rebuilding the barn is our biggest project.
I went back to work this week,
and right on schedule my home computer quit.
After hours of fiddling, I finally threw in the towel.
It's spending the weekend with Mr. Fix It,
and I'm writing from my parents' house, I named the Flame
many years ago.
History Lesson for the weekend:
The Lamp Post, which is the nickname for both this blog and my house,
is not named for the lamp posts I have on my property--
It's a LOST Dharma Station.

I named my parents' house The Flame
because my dad was a GE welder and their house and barn were red.
LOSTIES--A quiz: Can you recall the significance of each one?
Where was Eloise Hawking's Lamp Post Dharma Station located?
We have another month until it's officially fall,
but there are nature signs all around us bridging the time in between seasons.
my soon to be fifth grader,
showed some interest in picking out his school clothes for the first time.
He picked out this new red jacket.
Mind you,
he paired it with the following:
gray slides,
royal blue and navy shorts,
a black and orange shirt,
and an orange and white hat.
Ellen told him he looked like Grover
from his childhood favorite,
Grover's Lucky Jacket.
In reply,
Sam told her to go outside and look up at the sun--
it was eclipse day.
Grandma had her usual fun doctoring up Natalie's happy people shirt
in honor of the eclipse.
The students had their fall sports pep rally
Meet the Huskies.
The girls have their very own golf team this year,
with their very own coach!
Prior to this year they were golfing as independents on the Boys' Team.
Good luck, Girls!
The kids were all smiles
as they anticipated their new seasons.
This motivating youth gave an all call to the fans
to come support the football team the night we get our bridge back.
Now there's the power of positive thought!
"The bridge" is the Nagle Road bridge that
connects the communities of Harborcreek and Lawrence Park.
The backyard football rivalry winner determines who will
"be in control" of the bridge for the following year.
Here's the bridge:
and here's an article that tells the history
of how the Battle of the Bridge began.
This guy--
our chiropractor friend,
Dr. Steven Krauza,
together with our photographer friend
Matt Kleck from MK Photography
created this billboard beneath the Nagle Road bridge
which created a significant buzz in our communities.
lots of people had fun with the friendly backyard rivalry.
There is something that brings you back to your childhood
with some fun, friendly teasing.
Friendly rivalries were almost a thing of the past.
Because we're bringing them back!
What is life without a little, friendly fun?
That's what.
The Huskies pulled out a 17-15 victory tonight
that was a nail biter down to the very last play of the game.
Fun was had by all.
The Huskies were due for a win.
The Braves had control of the bridge for the last two years.
In an age were intolerance and hatred are so prevalent,

perhaps we use this game to build bridges
between the Harborcreek and Lawrence Park communities.
Great familes make for great schools,
and Harborcreek and Iroquois represent two of the finest.
In honor of the sweet victory I'm having a Blue Moon tonight.
It's blue,
not orange,
but you serve it with an orange slice
so close enough--just like the game.
Congratulations to both teams.
Your sportsmanship was commendable
and you allowed the Battle of the Bridge
to truly live up to its name.

Advice for next year, Braves--
this fire, backfired on you.
Try yoga next time.
That worked well for the Huskies.
Have a great weekend.