It's Halloween weekend, Readers!
What's looming and lurking outside of your window tonight?
This time of year is great for ghost stories.
My students and I have been telling tales
of a library haunted by the ghost of Edith Klein.
Tim McGraw has a ghost story to tell, too.
Listen to this one about the ghost of Frank Sinatra.
On our calendar,
Saturday, October 28th has been circled in red,
in the shape of a buckeye,
all season long.
Here is a game preview for the PSU fans.
You know what Eloise will be doing at 3:30 tomorrow.
CLICK the photo for the video
Sam and his Cleveland Browns play their big game
under the lights of the high school field
on Saturday night as well.
They pulled together two weeks ago
and trounced their strong competitors,
leaving them scoreless.
Last Saturday,
was not the same story.
You can do it boys!
Don't lose heart.
Communicate out there on the field,
and be encouraged,
not afraid.
Sam wasn't afraid to finally attempt his front flip.
It's hard to believe
that with all of the beautiful fall weather we've had
that fall storm clouds are looming on the horizon.
Everyone knows that things can't be perfect all of the time.
That's why you prepare.
The cottage is fortified.
It's finally getting a new break wall after last winter's storm damage.
It took all season to build enough beach to get equipment down there to work.
It's always good to be prepared,
but always remind yourself
that it's best not to live in fear.
It's hard not to sometimes,
as scary things loom and lurk everywhere.
That's why it's good practice to put money in the bank.
like squirrels store up nuts for the winter.
I love this cool bank I received for being a customer at the local Erie Bank!
And when you open your savings account,
it's not just for green kind of money--
but emotional money
health money
spiritual money.
Start your savings account for living well,
because you never know when you'll need to draw upon it.
Don't know how to begin that savings?
Here's some good advice:
I received this surprise gift in the mail yesterday from a friend.
She knew I was having surgery today for a very large ovarian tumor
doctors discovered a little while ago.
I am submitting myself to the care of a very talented surgeon
from Atlanta, Georgia.
I'm confident that I am in good hands.
I found these two pins this morning.
I'm not sure which I like better.
The subtle differences lie in hoping versus expecting,
preparing to be surprised.
Thought for the day:
if you prepare to be surprised,
does this mean you are unsurprised?

We are hoping for the news of a benign tumor
that can be removed without complication.
I cannot wait to have my old energy back,
and I'm mentally planning all of the things I'm going to
do as soon as I am back on my feet.
If this is true,
then I am about to become very busy
(and extremely healthy).
This was my favorite page of the new journal.
It reminds me of my teaching philosophy
and my general outlook on life.
Today I am vulnerable,
and have put my body into the hands of others.
Prayers around noon today will be greatly appreciated.
The procedure may take up to three hours.
While I am under,
I will need your prayers to lift me up and hold me steady.
My biggest disappointment is that I may not make my fitness group's
annual Halloween Run.
It is Saturday at the Harborcreek Community Park at 5:00.
Boy, we've had some fun over the years!
Darn it!
This year I was coming dressed as my tumor!
It's been the scariest thing I've encountered so far.
Have fun everyone!
I'll end this post today with something that makes me smile.
Little kids in raw form.
There is nothing better.
I titled this set--
When You Lose Your Best Piece of Candy
Take care everyone.
Happy Halloween!