It's my first beer in almost a month!
Melted snow and a six pack from my parents--
I couldn't refuse tonight.
My post holiday detox is done
and I have concluded once again,
I am a much nicer person when the waistband on my pants
is looser.
Melting snow sure does make lots of mud.
Be not afraid!
It wipes up off of the floors after you let it dry a bit.
Let the kids and pets go outside and play.

Since the roads are clear
my group is making our first Winery Run
from 6 Mile Cellars

to Burch Farms.
We are taking off at 9:00 am
if you want to join us.
It's about 5 miles.
If you don't think you can do it,
Be Not Afraid.
We'll have a support vehicle in the vicinity
to pick you up,
throw your stuff in,
or offer you water if you need a drink.
Then you can drink the good stuff
after you arrive at the winery!

(Well....except for this guy on the edge. Don't slip!)
This is a big bowling weekend for the hubby.
He bowls the daunting giant of Erie bowling,
Lee Eighmy,
in the first match of the day.
Be Not Afraid, Louie!
Stay focused and do what we all know you can.
Strike will be your word of the day.
I'll be wearing my new rally shirt my friend Amy made.

It's my new lucky shirt!
I'll have a whole collection of them,
ordered personally to my liking.
I'm too beyond a side tattoo--
but I will do a vertical seam word on a t-shirt.
I got one for HC Hoops, too!
Ellen's season hasn't started yet,
but we have her monogrammed bow all ready to go!

Ever think of starting your own business?
Be Not Afraid.
Be Not Afraid.
Best of luck, Amy.
We are so glad you are sharing your talent.

It felt so good to go out last weekend.
It warmed up nicely after another cold snap,
and I jumped at the chance to take my camera out for a walk.
Thank you to all of those who added decorations to this dying park tree.
I collected them up
and will save them for another tree next year.
It was a good day.
I even caught a blue jay and a woodpecker at my feeder at the same time!
My wellness group went for a beautiful walk across the bay.

I wish I could have joined them,
but I went Prom dress shopping for a special dress buy out.
We didn't find dresses,
but tried on many.
More fun to come.
My friends had lots of fun.
Here are some of their epic photos:
Sara had a stunner.
Loved this one.

Erie sunsets always get the big press,
but the sunrises are just as glorious.

Push through the end of January the best you can, Erieites.
Yes, spring is coming,
but we have a whole lot to get through yet.
Make the best of it,
Be Not Afraid!