Winter's winding down, everyone.
It's past Valentine's Day.
The Winter Olympics are wrapping up.
I'm pretty much over the snow.
I'm here tonight to Push the Message--
Winter--I'm done.
So are my parents' snowmen.
No basketball this weekend,
So I'm going to take down the winter decorations
and put up some spring ones.

That always makes the house feel lighter and cleaner
even when you look out the window at a cold, rainy mud pit.
Maybe I'll frame and display
the rainbow shot I took on the way to work Monday.
Rainbows have a way to Push the Message of hope.

Ellen's been adding some color to our lives though this new hobby--
while Pushing the Message
of the world's greatest messenger.
Bible Journaling.
Ellen saw it on Pinterest, was interested,
so I got her a wide margined Bible
some supplies for Valentine's Day.
As my one friend said,
"What a keepsake!"
My colorful gal chose a white Prom dress.
I think it was the perfect choice.She looks lovely in it.

Hubby stood quietly
swallowed hard,
and blinked a few times
when he heard the price of a dress for one evening.
(Honestly, it was a steal).
His solution is that she has to wear it to both her Junior and Senior Proms
and also get married in it.
He's Pushing this Message to anyone who will lend a sympathetic ear--
How it feels raising a daughter
Here is a video clip of someone who is growing up very nicely
in spite of the tragic loss of his daddy--
a man I really enjoyed and admired--
Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter.
Thank you, Wendy,
for sending me this story.

Robert Irwin,
the late Crocodile Hunter's 13 year old son,
appeared on the Tonight Show recently.
The video is at the bottom of this blog.
Please watch it.
There are a few celebrities that have passed on that I truly miss--
and I miss Steve.
His genuine smile,

and sparking eyes,

were windows to his soul.
He truly lived out his life doing what he loved.

I had to look up when he died--
2006 from a sting ray injury to his heart.

I enjoyed this man so much
even though we never met.
We connected.

I'll continue to push your message,
Education is my mission,
and I also am living out what I've been put on earth to do.
There is no better job in the world
than being a teacher.
Enjoy the video, Readers.
It's wonderful.
Find your passion this weekend,
and go Push the Message.