Hello, Readers.
It's the end of January
and time to curl up with a drink
and your Friday night blog.
January can be so bleak and colorless.
The kids at Clark School
are fun to watch shake out the winter wiggles
at recess time.
We get them out as often as we can
if the weather and real feel is above 20 degrees.

If last week felt like ten days long,
this week felt like fifteen.
With bad news at every turn last week,
the week drug by.
When Eloise is upset,
I feel unproductive,
and just utterly bleak.
The only way to get through the tough times
is just to go through them
one step,
one breath,
at a time.
Thank you,
Robert Frost,
for finding the perfect words.

Basketball usually livens up the week.

We really enjoyed playing Coach Pat's team,
Sam's gentle giant of a first cousin.
But a sick Sammy wound up not being too much of a threat.

That was the last game Sam will play until Monday.
He's down for the count,
spending the remainder of the week,
and the rest of the weekend on the couch.
Natalie certainly isn't one to sit around.
She's our working girl,
and shakes her tail feathers up at the Penn State Behrend
salad bar every weekday at lunchtime.
She's transitioning in several new helpers,
my sister being one of them.

She gave us a good report this week,
and snapped this picture that makes me smile.
I've referred back to it several times
during my bleak week.

Speaking of food--
Eloise was putting some food items into the My Fitness Pal
food tracker this week.
I mistyped "noodles"
and put "needles."
Good to know used hypodermic needles are only 10 calories!
That got Eloise a-thinkin'.
I wondered what else could be on there.
Whelp--good to know, I suppose.
For the nose pickers,
you have to consume a whole lot of snot
to really make a dent in your calorie consumption.
I'm sure you could think of a few more,
but I'd rather you spend your free time on more educational things.
Here's one friend Robin shared on facebook
that I found fascinating.
British photographer Jimmy Nelson spent four years
photographing vanishing tribes of the world.
I included the link to the article
with many of the photos below.
He also is working on a book and film titled
Before They Pass Away.
I don't know what I'm taken aback by the most--
the stunning landscape,
the wingspan of that bird,
or the donkey.

Ellen read an article at college this week
about the death of the hobby among her generation.
According to recent data,
people Ellen's age are not engaging in hobby activities
that don't involve a screen.
She came home this weekend and pulled out her sunflower blanket.
"I will not be responsible for the death of the hobby!"
she said matter of factly.
I have noticed that yarn arts are catching on with kids again.
Several have asked me to teach them how to crochet
when I bring in my weather blanket from time to time to show them.
Even though my sister pictures me like this--

I can tell you that it's a pretty rewarding hobby.
I want to make this!

I hope you find some solace and refuge in those you love
if you are experiencing a bleak week like we are.
For those of you waiting for word suggestions
for your Word of the Year,
I'll think of some suggestions next week.
I kept coming up with
which are really lame Words of the Year.
I'll perk back up with my snark next week.
In the meantime,
you can check with my mother for suggestions.
She has lots of them.
She keeps changing her word...