Friday, July 31, 2020

Lesson 656: Concentric Circles

Hello Readers!
Eloise has her eye on you!

Look closely....

I was on the front porch of our new cabin
when I took this photo,
and that is my husband in the yard
beyond the front porch spindles.

I took this photo to see if I could spot my eye injury.
I scratched my cornea
and I spent a few days tending a 
and throbbing eyeball.
The doctors assured me that eyes heal quickly,
and they were right!
Upon injury I could only read the E 
on the top of the eye chart,
and two days later I could see again.

Dr. Fauci called and advised me to wear goggles.

Just kidding....


Everyone is so sensitive.

Dr. Fauci Reports That Alcohol May Help People Survive Coronavirus Briefings

I love the concentric circles of the eye.
Dark blue,
wrapped around light blue,
wrapped around brown,
wrapped around the common origin point.

This cross section of wood was looking back at me today.

My students learn about Kandinsky and his concentric circles
in elementary art class.
My district is figuring out our student circles 
this week.
Huskies will rise to the occasion as we always do.
We'll be back at it soon, students.
Hang in there.

I've been thinking about circles all week.
It's funny how our first instinct was to paint the cabin green,
but we talked ourselves out of it.
    19 different color samples later,
we wound up right back where we started.

Greenbriar was definitely the right choice.

We're waiting on a couch
and have to finish the fireplace so 
it can be warm and cozy for the fall.

We'll be cozy in the sleeping loft
when wrapped in our Kate Rose Quilts!

My former student struck again
with the Huskie Handiwork!
This time the guys got a quilt!

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After my vision cleared up,
all I saw was circles!

From the irresistible packaging of
the French Pudding
in little glass jars,

to inner tubes,

to baseballs,

to the round,
bulging centers of flowers.

Even these two noisy birds
think circles are perfectly nest-like.

We took a break from painting to visit
The Farmer's Inn.

Hazel met my sheep friends.
She mistook them for her litter-mates.

The gentle cow 
kind of looks like Hazel, too.

Weekend homework:

A really great listen this week was 
from Gretchen Rubin's podcast

Podcast: Happier With Gretchen Rubin. – The Bitter Lemon

 A Little Happier--which is a short segment
between her episodes 
was about Eugene O'Kelly's final memoir 
about the ending of his life.
In his book, Chasing Daylight,
he wrote about relationships 
as he received a terminal diagnosis of brain cancer.

Chasing Daylight: How My Forthcoming Death Transformed My Life: Eugene  O'Kelly, Corinne O'Kelly: 9780071499934: Books

With only a few months to live,
O'Kelly decided to map out relationships in his lifetime
and wanted to spend time with people 
that mattered in his life.
He drew a map of concentric circles,
with the outermost circle comprising of people
he knew and really liked in life, 
but eventually lost touch with.
The circles worked inward to a common center,
moving from nice acquainteaces,
friendly neighbors,
former classmates,
close business partners,
life-long friends,
immediate family,
and closest to him,
the eye of the bull's eye,
his wife.

I don't want to spoil your listen,
so I won't tell you his conclusion,
but I can give you this hint:
don't spend too much of your life worrying
or feeling guilty about those in the outer parts of your circle.
Our days are all numbered,
spend them with those who matter most.

Savor the beautiful weekend.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Lesson 655: Picture This

Hello, Readers.
Picture This:

I got a great new app for my phone
called Picture This!

🌿 Picture This App Review 🌿 | Pagans & Witches Amino

It's a really cool plant identifier
that my mother insisted that I get to name 
the plants on our Firman Road parcels.

At $30 for a year subscription
it's a bit pricey but worth it
if you want to find a quick, easy way 
to keep you learning new things.

Here is the review on the app-
click the video below.

I wanted to determine,
once and for all,
where that darn poison ivy was in my yard
that I find my way into 
after summer
after summer.

Found it!
Three shiny leaves
with little jags on the edges as the plant matures.

Image may contain: plant, nature and outdoor

But apparently I stood in it to take the photo
to upload to Picture This!
and I have yet another case.

No fear.
I know the ropes.
This ain't my first rodeo.

Eloise's remedy:
Burning hot water to the skin,
followed by a chaser spray of ice cold water.
Pat dry with a paper towel and throw it away.
Apply pink calamine lotion from Walmart.
Wait two weeks.

It's no surprise I ran into my old friend Ivy again
as I've been spending so much time 
in the wide open blue 

Image may contain: ocean, outdoor, water and nature

and the great big green.

Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: cloud, sky, tree, grass, outdoor and nature

If we tape the mouths closed 
of about 20% of our people,
we sure do have a beautiful country.

it's the extreme ends that make the most noisy nonsense.
The rest of us reside somewhere in the calm and rational middle.
Don't turn off the noise,
because it does give you insight.
do turn down the volume.
It interferes with nature's song.

Image may contain: text that says 'WOV MAKE AMERICA GREEN AGAIN SIERRA CLUB'

We've been making our contributions to the greening of America.
Eloise has a green thumb!
And pinky.
And index finger
and very broken and chippy nails.

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We painted our little cabin in Forest County GREEN!

Well, almost.
She needs another coat and some of the high spots.

We enlisted some helpers this week.
You can tell which one is the catcher for the baseball team.
He did all the low spots.

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The fearless one took the high stuff.
Lucky for Jack there wasn't too much of it.

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Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

As for Natalie,
she likes the color.
She voted for  green a long time ago.

We only buy her green toothbrushes,
so if you ever come to stay at my house overnight,
don't bring a green toothbrush or she'll use it! 

Picture this!:
She supplies us with a steady playlist
while we paint,
and that is very helpful.
Thanks, Natalie!

Someone is worn out from the busy day of painting.
Hazel sits pretty as a picture.

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Image may contain: one or more people, dog and outdoor

She got in the front seat of the van the other day and

Image may contain: people sitting and dog

Picture my view of the ride home from the furniture store.

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Eloise has some good things to look forward to
in the music world.

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Ticket purchased!

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We love football season,
but this year?!?!?!?!
What will come of it?

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Edinboro University has gone online for the fall
and cancelled the fall sports season.

No photo description available.

I listened to an interesting perspective on viruses
on given by my favorite podcasters 
Josh and Chuck
from Stuff You Should Know.

Image result for stuff you should know podcast

This episode on Polio is really good.
Even though Polio impacted only a small percentage of people,
the devastation that it had on those that it invaded
was awful.
Thinking of COVID-19 in comparison to Polio
rather than comparing it to influenza,
or H1N1
made me think differently.

I'd like to assign this as your homework
if you listen to podcasts.

Stuff You Should Know
How We Almost Got Rid of Polio
3 days ago Â· 51 min
Play episode

For more than half of the 20th century parents in the industrialized world were freaked out by an unseen waster of youth, the poliovirus. It spread easily and could paralyze children for life or even kill them. Its effects were so horrible that humanity set about ridding if from the Earth.

I've been leading a life as distanced as I can
because for lots of people I love
COVID would be very difficult battle.
Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, dog, outdoor, water and nature

This is where the easy connectivity is so nice.
I can still contact all of you with a few taps or clicks.
I can see your photos
and laugh at your jokes.
And you can see all my dog photos.

Image may contain: Eloise Hawking, dog and outdoor

Picture this:
just maybe,
you were made for a time like this.
You've been designed to care-give,
and encourage others 
to be hopeful 
and diligent in prayer for better times
for our world.


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