Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lesson 102: Beautiful People

Just a quick post tonight because I got a few more coming this week.  I needed something to counter all this disturbing news we've been exposed to in the last couple of weeks.  Pennsylvanians have taken one square to the chops and we are a hurtin'.  With all of this disturbing news coming from heart of my great state, it almost makes one want to lose faith in humanity.  Yes, ugly lurks everywhere in this world, but I do believe beauty tips the scales to our favor.  There are just as many good people in this world and in the end, the good guys always win.

Thanksgiving is no time for disgust, however.  It is the weekend before the great feast and we are all making room for family, friends, and neighbors round our tables five days from now.  We've got happy preparations to take care of.  We've got birds to cook, pies to bake, and people to feed.  Beautiful people.  Nourish them this year with good food, great conversation, and shared prayers of thanks.

This year Eloise is thankful for the beautiful people who surround me.  Some of them are on this picture movie, moving along to the tune carried by the voice of one beautiful man.  Thanks Tim McGraw for the song.  I supplied the faces.  See, together we would have made a great team.  You win some, you lose some, I guess.  But this year I really did win because I'll be spending my holiday with most of the people on the movie--the most beautiful people in my world.


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