Here is the Erie weather forecast, Readers. A white Christmas looks iffy. Just in case we have mud instead of snow this year, here is a nice Rascal Flatts rendition of White Christmas with a picture scroll of some pretty winter scenes to keep you pacified until the inevitable is upon us---snow, snow, and more snow.
Dec 22
Mostly cloudy and cooler46°Lo 31°
Two days away until Santa arrives and Sam is about as excited as a kid could be. Do you remember the Christmas when you were four? Sam and Santa have had kind of a sordid history. He's never really been a fan---never wanted to sit on his lap at the mall and asked me last year if the elves could bring his presents instead. Here is one of my favorites from a few years ago:
This is a classic.
This is Sam this year, looking all grown up and serious having a heart to heart with Santa at a family party.
We found this Santa in The Middle of Nowhere, PA at a hidden little hideaway in the woods. When we entered his workshop, Santa had a fire going in the wood stove with a pot of hot cocoa warming on top. Santa scooped out the sweet treat with a ladle and gave out cinnamon rolls to eat. Sam had an extra opportunity to tell what was on his list this year--unfortunately WWE wrestling action figures and boxing gloves topped it (Lord, help me).
The girls thought they were too cool to sit on Santa's lap this year, but I made them anyway. They asked for "presents" (guess who) and "world peace" again. They are happy to have some time off school and have the opportunity to sleep in--a 'tween and teens joy.
On the way down the stairs a couple of morning's ago, a slitty-eyed Sam asked in a voice still thick with the previous night's sleep, "Mom, what really happens to kids on the Naughty List?" I have a terrible habit of answering a question with a question, but I couldn't resist in this instance. I replied, "Why, Sam? Do you think you are on the Naughty List?" "No," he said, "just wonderin'."

Here's my favorite rendering of Santa checking his list created by the legendary Norman Rockwell. I love all the faces of the children in the background. I took a peek and thankfully Natalie, Ellen, and Sam are on the Good List this year.
Green or white, I am looking forward to a good Christmas and I hope you are too.
Ho, Ho, Ho!
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