Calling all Readers!
Eloise needs your help!
My secretive pen pal, Fionnula Flanigan has sent me another letter. I am stumped. Perhaps someone in the cyber world can see the clue that I am missing. For my newer blog readers, here is a brief recap to bring you up to date on the Fionnula Flanigan mystery:
On Good Friday I received this journal in the mail as a random act of kindness.
Eloise is a journal keeper. It is where I write my ideas, blog notes, grocery lists, never ending To Do's, telephone numbers, etc. The pages are also stuffed with things I like or want to keep for awhile. I should have trademarked my idea before the SMASH books came into the market. I sent her this thank you via a picture my blog.
Since then, Fionnula has continued to send me letters with clues to her identity. My summer project was to figure out the identity of this very clever person. On May 30th I made my list, and have been crossing off people via the clues she (or he......) sends me, as they come. By the process of elimination, my list is getting smaller.
Read below for the text of the letter that I received, post marked June 28th.
It is written in a scripted font, and pay attention to where I indicate the words in bold face are:
Eloise Hawking have you figured it out?
I'm sure that you will, you're on the right route.
You're right to examine lesson two seventeen
Concentrate closely on all of the numbers (#'s in bold face) you've seen.
Go back to that post, be zippy (zippy in bold face) with glee
As you figure out just one more clue from me.
No, not my name, what fun would that be?
I'm not ready to divulge my true identity.
The Noticer is not a book that I've read
It's next on my list, after all that you've said.
I may be smart, to college I've been
Of course I'm not going to tell you just when.
I'm not retired, a write, or Lost fan
for my impending reveal, I've got a master plan.
Continue your quest for clues in my letters
Put your mom on the case, she's a real go-getter!
Keep Calm and Solve a Mystery
Clever, huh? I think so. Thanks for the challenge, Fionnula. This is fun!
Help me, Readers!
My cousin Bonnie is on it. I've nicknamed her Sherlock.
My mom is on it, too. No need for any assigning there, Fionnula. She jumped right in. She's already printed Lesson 217 and has her red pen out.
Also, another thanks go out to my Mom and Dad. They are taking Sam to their cottage this afternoon, giving me a few extra minutes to type out this bonus blog post.
Sam packed them a picnic.
He made the sandwiches himself---with the peanut butter we had to borrow from them.
Nice to know he was thinking of my dad.
See the clue, Readers?
This one is for you, Fionnula!
(love the camera!)

The true process of elimination is my bird colonies leaving their nests. I felt funny not including a photo video, so I quickly put this one together this morning of the baby bird nests I've been watching this summer. One nest on my back deck and another on my front porch, they have given me hours of entertainment. It is amazing that the entire process takes only about three weeks!
The song is set to one of my favorite Tim McGraw songs, Last Dollar, more commonly known as Fly Away.
Enjoy the video, and please help me solve this mystery. Ideas? Contact me through facebook if you are a friend, a blog response if you are a follower, or through my email:
This video is for you, Kristen Currier!
Zippy= fast Runner? Trainer?
Fionnula starred in several Star Trek episodes and is married to a doctor. Bones was the nickname of a character on Star Trek. Bones was a doctor. Doctor Spock was a real doctor who specialized with children. Fionnula loved children.
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