It's Friday, Readers,
and Erie is experiencing an incredible warm up!
We had a record breaking warmth move through the area today.
We needed to reach 70 degrees to break a 111 year old record.
I'm not sure what official temperature was recorded at the Erie Airport,
but this is what it read in my van!
77 degrees on February 24th!
I ran around in shorts in the late afternoon.
Oh how I've missed them!
The weather at the lamp Post is so strange this week.
The warm up brings with it springtime scents of mud and grass,
yet the body senses it's still too early.
The morning color scheme has been beautiful,
but Eriely eerie.
Sap Nation is in full operation.
Hubby caught the first run last weekend
and the maple syrup was the best ever--
dark and delicious.
He's back at it again to today.
The process is not really that hard or expensive--
just time consuming.
If you try it yourselves we suggesting getting a large, shallow pan.
It makes the boiling go faster,
and have plenty of firewood on hand.
It's nice to have company when you are feeding a fire all day.
Grandma thinks it's too boring sitting around a fire watching sap boil.
The competitive old girl likes to play basketball with Sam instead.
She beat him twice at HORSE
and still swishes from the three point line.
Natalie loves maple syrup more than anyone.
She licks the plate when she's done with her waffle
and I actually allow it.
A spoonful of maple syrup was about all Ellen ingested for 5 days.
She had her impacted wisdom teeth removed last weekend.

We drug the rocking chair out into the sunshine to expedite her healing,
and we did our best to keep her company.
It has felt so good to get outside without boots and hats
last weekend and again today.
Nature is so pretty while it's waiting to burst.
Sam and his team have been busting up the basketball courts.
All of our Huskie Hoopsters have been doing well this season.
We're off to see more games on Saturday.
Congratulations to my boys Jack and Adam!
They had an outstanding season which ended in a heartbreaking loss by 1 at the buzzer on Wednesday night.
It's been a fun ride, fellas.
Now it is your time to cheer for Sam.
Spring is not far away.
Winter dormancy is nearing its end.
It's time to bust out and turn up the heat.
Find something you love to do,
and turn up the heat.
It's amazing what just one degree can do.
I received this book from my Klein School principal, Mr. Cook.
It's not just a book for teachers,
it's for everyone.
Eloise highly recommends this book if you are looking to make
that much needed change in your life.
Does something seem just out of reach?
You can see what you want,
but you just figure out what to do to make it happen?
Move from hot to boiling.
Just turn up the heat one more degree.
This little book is filled with infinite wisdom.
Weekend homework:
Check out 212--
Check out 212--
there are lots of links,
videos on youtube,
books for purchase,
a website--
whatever reaches you best.
I'll end this blog tonight with some simple wisdom
from the children of Clark School.
Enjoy the weekend.