Good evening, Readers!
Welcome to the Lamp Post 2018 Year in Review.
Eloise loves to sit with a slow sipping drink
and look back through the photo moments
I captured throughout the year.
Here is what 2018 looked like from the rear view mirror,
long on photos and short on words.
The photos tell their own stories.
The Snowpocalypse

Well, at least we got this if we lived through it all.
Snow worship at the baseball stadium.
T-shirts in memory of
the winter of just shy of 200 inches.
One for the record books.
Or not.

Very high water levels--
no beach.
Unruly fall.
Early snow dump in November

and chilling temperatures
made for some interesting landscapes.
The perfect Christmas Eve snow.

Sports are a large part of our lives.
10th in the Erie Times News Tournament
Sam, the lefty
is making his mark, too.



Little League

First home run

A states run

Trolley made the last stop at the State Little League Tournament
A fine season, boys!

I accomplished my goal
of completing the Erie Half Marathon

on these arthritic feet.
I hired a bike guide this year.
Highly recommend.

Football rivalries
Debate over the IE Huskie.
Eloise is in favor-ie.

Beast on the Bay--
Natalie completed some of the big course.


Water boot camp

Huggle Hoodies for after pool class.

Team Adrenaline

Eloise turned 47.

Sam has some of my language ability,

and is conniving enough to buy me cookbooks
and mark pages of things he wants me to make him.
11th year for Sam.
20th for Natalie.

The Royal Wedding took place on her birthday!
49 for Louie
but the only candle I had left was the
zero off of Natalie's 20.
Eighteen for Ellen
and she got to vote in November!

21 for Erik.
Awkward family photos

Dances are always a celebration.

Wine in a can!
Now that's something to celebrate!

Erik's graduation

Girls' senior photos
I finally got my photo on the front cover of the Erie Times
and I look like I'm smoking a cigar.
It's a noise maker!
Best Ever
School Picnic Photo Series
Sam's first log ride.
His friends told him that they would tell the guy
to put them on the baby hill track.
Don't worry Sam--
you'll be fine.
Sam suddenly realizes he was duped.

School was no sooner out
and we started looking for the potential next one.
Natalie tries to send Clarion a subtle message
about her choice of Ellen's college.

Edinboro it is!

Ellen went to NYC

and Washington DC

Family vacation to Deep Creek, Maryland.

We found the Burgatory in Pittsburgh.

Autism is woven into the fabric of our lives.

Cousin Bonnie finally got her Happy People Hoodie
and the Barber National Institute got $1,400 from Natalie.
Summer mornings with Erik.
Unsolved Mysteries
Discovery of a Treasure

On a lighter note--
we discovered there are things such as bacon shaped band-aids.
Natalie is a happy, happy girl!

Always My Favorites

Feral Cat Lady
Daddy, can I keep him?

10 of them.

Two shutterbugs in one photograph

A phone booth in the middle of the woods.

A handwritten note.

Dear Uncle John

Our beloved Josie

6 weeks of Trigeminal Nerve Pain.

I still shudder at the mere memory of it.

Depression over the loss of her pet.
Hazel's Homecoming
According to Anna Shelter records,
Hazel was born the day after Josie died.

She likes the same sunny spot Josie used to lay in.

Cinderellen's Homecoming

My Loves
Boat Rides
Little ones

Kid art

Selfies with a camera in front of my face

Old Friends.

Long marriages.

Altar'd State

Big hugs
Water slides

Fat robins
Old, bent photographs
Goals for 2019

Finish my current Bible so I can start my new one.
I got the kind you can create art in!

Best Advice I Got

Stick with me in 2019, Readers.
I'll show you stuff I like.
You never know.
You might like it, too!
Goodbye 2018.
You were a good year.