Saturday, December 8, 2018

Lesson 567: The Keystone

Ok, Ok.
567 times I've sat down at this computer
to share some good news of the week.

And about 560 times I actually made my
self imposed,
Friday night deadline.

But Lord, help me.
I couldn't last night.
because I was just dead.
As in dead tired.
Eloise is alive and well
and back at blogging today.

The biggest reason I didn't make the upload last night
was Hazel the Hellhound.
She climbed into my lap and fell asleep.

I let my leg fall asleep 
before I ever shifted positions 
in fear of waking her.

There's something about a softly breathing puppy
in your lap,
while you sit and soak in a 
softly lit house
while everyone else is sleeping.

I took advantage of the quiet extra time
and read my favorite Christmas story
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
by Barbara Robinson.
It takes about an hour to read
start to finish.

If you grew up in the early 1970's 
you will love this story,
as much as the 70 year olds 
identify with Ralphie in A Christmas Story.

Imogene Herdman 
and her rough and tumble siblings
will worm her way into your heart,
and you'll want to come back to meet them again and again.

Image may contain: christmas tree and indoor

As you can tell from the photo above,
our tree is far from perfect.
We had to move the lights from the lower branches
because Hazel thought they tasted good.

Plus, she needs 
a dimly lit place to nap.

Image may contain: one or more people

When Natalie find the perfect,
eye-level branch,
she hangs as many ornaments as she can on it,

leaving the sides and the back 
pretty much bare.

Sam helps, too,
by making sure HIS ornaments are always 
front and center.

Ellen called her brother out on it,
as she put in her two cents 
while plopped on the couch.

So Sam hung one of hers
in the perfect bare spot
on the back.

Mother Eloise got an early Christmas gift--
the best one of all, 
I think.

I'm headed to the North Pole 
for a rare, 
face to face interview
with the Man Who Makes it All Happen.

I've got the real key, people!

Background for my newer readers.
Several years ago I wrote a children's book
titled The Key.

After much urging from my loved ones,
I published it free,
chapter by chapter
on this blog
through the month of March.

You can check the archives from March 2014.

Since then,
The Key has continued to be read and enjoyed,
and Eloise has continued to receive keys
for her collection!

I penned another never-to-be-published
work of art last summer.
I'll get it cleaned up and ready for your eager eyes soon.
I've considered changing the title to
The Diamonds
just in case you want to keep sending me gifts.

Not to keep you waiting too long,
the 2019 presentation of 
The Keystone
by Eloise Hawking
will be coming to the blogosphere soon.

The Keystone,
is a children's comical/inspirational story,
not a sequel to The Key
(Eloise usually does not like sequels),
but will include some of your favorite characters--
and a band of feral cats.

But, it will have to wait until
Eloise gets more of her holiday running around done.

So much to focus on
and so little time!

Image may contain: 27 people, including Cheri Theobald McGuire, Sandy Holmstrom Bracalento, Nancy Steele, Sandy Benek, Kimberly Uht Bootes, Tracy Langer, Michele Sorensen Latzo, Stephanie Burek and Erin Ryan, people smiling, people standing, child and outdoor

I don't want to miss any of it!

In case you missed the ESO dance this year
(Extending Social Opportunities for Natalie and her crew over aged 18),
pencil it in for next year.

That's Natalie and Cousin Hannah
dancing in the lower right corner.

Attending one of these ESO functions
as a spectator or a helper is simply life changing.
A special thanks to all of our local college students
who come in to help out.

This band of happy high school students
 was happy to have a few hours away from school
to examine the human body 
at the LECOM Anatomy lab.

The kids couldn't wait for an up close look--
while Mrs. Eloise sat on the stool by the door.....

It's another weekend of passionate basketball

and Christmasing in general.

It's already Saturday so 
I better get moving on things.

The Christmas cactus in full bloom
confirms that it's time.

If you have room in your heart for a special prayer this week,
please include my nephew Erik.
He is a non verbal young man with severe autism
and he has an abscessed tooth!
His surgery is set for Monday
and we are praying for is a smooth procedure
and quick relief from the pain he's been experiencing.


Eat, Drink, and Be Merry by GeekInk Design for Minted

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