Saturday, May 11, 2019

Lesson 591: Prom Squad

It's that Night of Nights 
for the high schoolers.

It's Prom Night in Erie
and 11 in all, 
so is the rumor.
Oh, the poor restaurant servers!

Prom Prep starts at least a day prior.
With so many Proms on the same night
there was a long and winding line
at the local tuxedo shops 
as impatient young men 
waited for uncomfortable neckties
and squeaky shoes.

Ellen Louise started her Prom Prep day out in a good way!
She was one of two recipients
for the Harbor Creek Education Association Scholarship!

The hair.
The make up.
The nails.
The shoes.
The flowers.
The jewelry.
The dinner plans.
The after plans.
The whole shebang.

It's worth it.
Making memories is always worth it.

The parents and I reminisced about our own Prom memories
made 30 years ago this weekend.

Flashbacks are fun come Prom time!

Neighbor Amy with my girls
on her way to her Prom.

Neighbor Amy and my girls now.

Prom means time for family photos,

and a little brother who loves to photo bomb.

Prom is a time for best friends.

and crooked corsages.

I titled the photo of this Prom Squad
Herding Cats.
The gutter and the black pole still showed!

We parents know that you'll remember days like these
for a long, long time,
so we're at the ready to help 
capture those memories.

Have a fun night kids.
See you at the crack of dawn.
Be safe,
and watch for deer.

Mother Eloise


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