Saturday, June 15, 2019

Lesson 596: Celebrate!

All the hard work and dedication
has paid off for the Lamp Posters.
Time to party.

toss some confetti in the air and celebrate

Mother Eloise will be taking some time 
with her family and camera
this week.

A little R&R after a very hectic spring is much needed.
Days aren't just lived out in our house--
they are experienced.
And most days, 
Eloise has a camera in hand to capture those moments.  

From the babies,

and birthdays,

to buddies in the business of dog poop.

I'll be taking some time away 
and have packed some new projects.

Handsome has been on my morning TV screen
a few times this week

promoting his new book.
A book,
by Tim McGraw,
about American anthems.
Doesn't get much better than that.

And if you are trying to figure out which one I call Handsome--
use the photo clues.

I love watching photographers at work!

Weekend Homework--
and it's pretty simple--
celebrate life.

The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.


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