Friday, August 9, 2019

Lesson 604: The Booth

Happy Friday, Readers!
Welcome to the Lamp Post!

Eloise had her eyes to the sky this week.

 Can you see the man on the moon?
I can in this shot!

We are celebrating a few milestones at the Lamp Post this week.

Mr. Lamp Post and I had an anniversary!

You are purchasing a Wedding Anniversary Banner for 25 years. The banner will say JUST MARRIED 25 YEARS AGO. Each piece with a letter measures about 3.5 inches wide and 5.25 inches tall. Made with card stock. This comes with free first class mail shipping in the US only. Please ask if you

We took a ride to nearby Bemus Point, NY for a sunrise breakfast.

We enjoyed the quiet of day just waking up.

I agreed to the restaurant he picked.

He drove me around to get some photos.

Mr. Lamp Post said,
Do you want to stop at an art store or antique shop
to pick out something special?

Completely content,
I surprisingly declined the gift.
I wanted something to mark the day,
but nothing seemed right,
until I came across THIS!

We stopped at Piazza's vegetable stand on the
PA-NY border. 
I was looking for a nice ripe zucchini,
but we ended up coming home with this
old restaurant booth,
in a lovely shade of 1970's avocado.

We've had lots of customers

and the booth has only been open a few days!

There are no booth rules, except this one:
 If you come to sit, you have to sign.

Did you spy the little black booth book?

If you come to a booth therapy session,
you have to sign and date a page.

I have two friends named Tracy--
one I call Tracy Northern because she lives near me,
and the other Tracy Southern because she moved south.

They sometimes text me within an hour of one another.
This week, they stopped by unexpectedly,
just a few hours apart.

I gave Sam his pre-game pep talk at the booth this afternoon.

My sister says I'm a lot like Lucy.
I called her a Block Head.

Here's your weekend homework--
a video reminder of what Lucy is like.

Don't you think my booth needs this napkin holder?
I know---I can order it for $11.68 from Amazon,
but what fun is that?
I want to find one--like at a yard sale or thrift shop.
Or better yet, 
you can give me yours that you say is too ugly to use!

This was my dinner at The Booth this week!

All plants!
It was really good!

I taught myself how to make Granny Squares at The Booth!

Figures my favorite YouTube tutorials come from
The Nervous Knitter!

I made the mistake of moving my yarn 
from The Booth
into the house.

 The Knitter wasn't the only one nervous.
My heart started beating a bit faster when I saw this ladder.
For 25 years I've been helping him manage his accidents.

Remember those wasps I re-homed to my Clark Road neighbors?
Apparently they didn't like the living conditions
and they moved back.

 Image may contain: ocean, sky, bird, text, outdoor and water

My classmates are celebrating our 30th this weekend!

Where are these people now?

This guy is building a house across the street from the Lamp Post.
He was our class clown.

It seems almost as impossible as the plant based burger I ate--
that Sam will be playing football for Harbor Creek this season.


Our Canadian friends returning.

The slightest tips of color change.

New fading light in the woods.

Time moving too fast for you?
I think I can fix that for you with a counseling session.
5 cents for a comfy booth--
what more can you ask for?


Charles M. Schulz Museum on Instagram: “Lucy’s psychiatric booth first appeared in Peanuts in a strip published 60 years ago today on March 27, 1959. The booth was a pared-down…”

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