Friday, November 6, 2020

Lesson 670: Tangled

Hello,  Readers.
Have you been watching the news coverage,
eating snacks?

The country is in a tangle much like my flag.

If you are on the disgruntled side
don't have your underwear in such a bunch
that you miss the beauty of nature.

We know the harvest is complete
when the vineyards have a golden glow.

My necklaces have been in a tangle for a month!

I've learned that when I'm really in a tangle,
call on a kid.
(and offer some cash)

Sam collected $7!

Whenever I have a task that I feel like giving up on,
I use this visual that I pull out for my students.

Maybe this will be how you feel 
if the candidate you've supported does not occupy the White House
come January 2021.
Eloise's advice is to just slowly side up one stair at a time.

Maybe an open mind,
and an attempt to hear one another out,
will reawaken the American spirit of working together
to make our nation the greatest on the planet.

and a generation of plain clothed super heroes
in disguise.

We'll untangle eventually.
Eloise has hope.

I'm plowing through my coffee table books
and my house.

I watched the full season of The Home Edit on Netflix,
cleaned out Harborcreek Walmart's clear containers,
and read both books.
Eloise highly recommends!

You'll have your entire house in order before the holidays.
It's actually much easier than you think!

Kids:  I'm headed to your bedrooms next!
Be forewarned.
I'd also think it's fair that I warn my Marienville neighbors with trail cameras
that a facebook friend gave me a fabulous idea.

The moon was sure fabulous behind the tangle of trees.

The best news of a week was this:

Sammy. Just. Bowled. A. 300!!!!!
Eastway Lanes,
witnessed by his buddy Jake Rocky!

My thirteen year old son Sam 
bowled a 300 game 
during Open Bowling last weekend.
His buddy Jake was there to take this classic video.
I've been having trouble getting it to play on blogger.
If you missed it, 
check my facebook page.

Enjoy your weekend readers.
Unwind and untangle a little bit.
We'll get through this and be the better for it.


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