Friday, November 13, 2020

Lesson 671: Llamastay

Hello, Readers.

The cloudy, 
November weekend has arrived.
These are the skies that hang over Erie for
and months
and months.

The leaves have fallen 
from my favorite tree near the school,
so I know Thanksgiving is near.

With coronavirus counts higher than ever in my county
llamastayin' around the Lamp Post for awhile.

I never did find out the identity
to my secret gift giver.
I love it so much!
I'm putting my yarn in it for my winter crochet projects.
If I discover your identity,
I'll make you mismatched socks
and an uneven hat.

I discovered the cool bag on my front porch
filled with a new little friend
(kept up from my pups)

and some killer new teacher masks.
Too bad I missed the staff photo this year.
It's a keeper.

Speaking of school,
the teachers gave this person a rousing send off.

We can do this.
We just need to all do our part.

Speaking for most of the Erieites,
I know the impending cold, wet weather is on our minds.
I'll miss seeing family outside.  

I'm trying to think of things to do with the big guy.
His Barber program shut down today.
He can't tolerate gloves,
so I'm trying to think of a way to attach mittens to his coat sleeves
so we can be outside for longer than usual.
We are going to try to keep up our park walking.

If you have this month's Reader's Digest,
don't miss this article.
It will keep you inspired.

I get my best ideas when I'm on walks with my dogs.

I've been trying to improve my video skills
and I took some video footage of our weekend walk
in the woods to share with y'all.
However, I couldn't figure out how to beep out the cuss words--
walking these two pound puppies
 wrestling each other

leaves me tripping over tangled leashes
and spitting out words that should remain in the pound.

I'll adapt in time and my tongue will tame.
Look at how Ellen's boyfriend Ryan has adapted to dating
a girl with two dogs.
He hangs up his coat
AND his shoes 
upon entry.

The UPS guys make a daily stop at my house,
and they are onto the pooches, too.

Everyone got their Christmas shopping done early this year.
I took Sam on Monday evening,
chip off the old block,
if I say so myself.

We don't know what lies ahead for us this fall and winter.
We are doing all we can here to stay healthy,
which for my clan means
well cleaned,
well educated,
well nourished,
well rested,
and well loved.

One has to seek balance
of work,
and wonderful things.
When we escape to our little cabin
in the big woods

the sasquatch remind us of this important understanding.

We even decorated it for Christmas!

This is the only deer head that hangs on the wall.

And any animals stuffed were purchased from Walmart
(which has way cool Christmas decor, by the way).

We got away for a bit last weekend,
and celebrated what was probably the last of the warm weather.

Orange is our new color to wear.

I only saw him for a flash,
but I do believe I saw a juvenile sasquatch.

If you haven't purchased Carrie Underwood's 
Christmas album yet,
get My Gift this weekend!
The song with her son Isaiah is my favorite!

She is also having a Ring doorbell caroling contest
you want to do something fun.

As for old Eloise,
llamastayin' at home this weekend.
Yes, Cobra Kai is on my big screen--
Sam is obsessed 
and keeps karate kicking random household objects.


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