Saturday, August 21, 2021

Lesson 710: A Week in the Life

 Hello, Readers.

The summer, by teacher standards,

is winding down,

even though we officially have another month until fall.

Returning to school for 21-22

makes me a little happier than I was last year,

despite the lurking worries.

The girls have been busy with their joint venture.

Miss Natalie's Happy People Tumblers

have been a big hit.

The girls opened their Etsy Shop this week.
Getting it all set up was much harder than it looked.

Look them up on Etsy.
Their name was one character too long for the Etsy requirement.
Mountain Laurel Apparel is shortened to MtnLaurelApparel when you search it..

Miss Ellen Louise will be able to devote more time
to this project as she said goodbye to a job she loved for over two years.

Work requirements in the company changed,
and she was unable to fit the designated hours between her classes.

She's learning lots.
The number one lesson was not to leave cups on doorsteps 
of two chewy dogs.
Our friends have a set of brown and yellow chewer, too!

Here is a link to a TikTok of their fun this week:

My one regret of having Ellen home during the pandemic
was not working with her more in the kitchen.
She really needed to learn to cook for herself a bit better.

I was sort of thinking ramen noodles and salad,
but her lattice topped peach pies turned out fine.
Ever the artist, she is.

She even made a few pie dough cookies
with the leftover dough
just like hubby's mom used to.
They came close,
but they never come out quite the same as Frannie's.

After football practice,
Sam worked on functional fitness--
stacking the woodpiles for winter.

This book is worth the hype.
Very good so far.

And the dogs,
they stole my spot in bed.
Time to kick them out.


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