Friday, June 10, 2022

Lesson 752: Smart People Eat Vegetables

Hello, Readers.

Summer officially begins June 21st,

but when school is out at the Lamp Post--

summer is here!

It's time for Eloise to long exhale

a very long school year.

I'm ready for some quiet.

All the noise I need will come from the birds

and the bees.

We've been having fun watching Sam play Legion baseball.

I caught the game in Saegertown just at the start.

Their uniforms looked so nice under the flag they were pledging.

I looked at the tall one.

My gosh, he needs a haircut again already!

Why is he standing like that?

Oh, wait.
That's not Sam!

The other team was red, white, and blue, too!

With the start of summer,
so begins the Lamp Post Summer Rules 2022.

Be smart.
It's a simple sentence we say often.
There are lots of ways to be smart.
The #1 Lamp Post Rule of Summer 2022 is:
Rule number one about establishing house rules
is to model them rather than just try to enforce them.
Joining in consistently builds habits.
This means, Parents--
you need to eat your veggies, too.
And without a fuss.

I'm a Michael Pollan fan
and follow his advice in terms of diet.

In order to get your kids even thinking about
 eating fruits and vegetables,
one has to be a little creative.

My crew likes cut-up apples with greek yogurt
with powdered peanut butter mixed in.

Like my Office Hero Dwight Schrute,
I like beets.

Here are some great facts about beets
and a few good recipes.

Info on beets deliciousness HERE

This grandma would recognize beets.
She makes them and gives me some 
every couple of weeks.

She's 77 and looks this good,
so eat your beets.
Happy birthday, Grandma!

Grandma likes jokes,
so I'll post this in honor of her!

Natalie's favorite thing to do is to prep vegetables
and prep salads.

We even mix some in with the dog food
and even Penny picks out the carrots.

Ellen Louise doesn't have much time to help make salads
because she's busy painting 
things she finds alongside the road for discard.

If this was your ugly table,
you might want to take a look at it now.

This is it part way done.

To see it finished, check out her TikTok in the link below.

Here's a bench that was storm damaged on the beach
and she gave it new life.

To see the process, see this video:

The neighbors next door are beautifying 
their yard for summer,  too.

I'm looking for some time to step away 
and appreciate what I have,

and think of what I can do
 to help make the world a better place.

I think that begins with a good night of sleep.

so tomorrow I can begin another optimistic day.


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