Friday, January 13, 2023

Lesson 774: Word of the Year

 Happy Friday, Readers!

Friday the 13th started out with a 

blue morning.

The word of the day is snowflake,

in honor of this snowy snapshot!

This is a Klein student

and her folks were kind enough

 to let me share the captures with you.

Eloise loves nothing more
than a good nature capture!

Pics from earlier this week are a little misleading.

It almost appeared as if winter had ended.

I love it when the late afternoon sun

hits the vineyard just right.

Erie is ever changing--

this just the next day.

Winning was the verb of Tuesday.

Some lucky lady in blue won the 50-50 

at the home basketball game.

Spirited was the word of the week.

Two basketball games this week,

plus a girls game we went to,

gave us plenty of time to cheer in gyms.

Sam and the JV bench are particularly fun to watch

as they cheer on their varsity teammates.

Sam is usually the first one up on his feet.

He has the biggest flexes for three pointers,

and cringey shudders when plays don't go our way.

Dwarfed is the word for one teammate 
that makes Sam feel small.
Check out this giant guy!

I still kept with the trend of choosing a word for the year.
I really enjoy that!
One of the years of the pandemic 
I didn't coordinate things and events to any particular word
and it felt like a lackluster year.

couldn't have been because of COVID-19
and its plethora of complications it caused---
the year was messed up from the lack of choosing a word.

For 2023 I chose.......

but also...


I love homonyms!
I've worked my way through years of multi-tasking,
particularly when my children were younger.
I used to pride myself on the ability,
until I realized it lead to the muddling of my thoughts
and a general slow-down of overall productivity.

Then I switched to the phrase--
One thing at a time.

I went through a very Zen phase.

Then I discovered I just want to do too many things to be Zen.
I'm over 50 and half my life is over.
So many things to do,
so little time.

I settled somewhere in the middle this year with


I've been trying to do two things together
and in just 13 days of 2023,
I've already accomplished a lot!

I like to read,
but the time isn't always there to do it.
While driving around during the day for work,
I listen to an audio book.

I also discovered I like listening to books
when I do my needlepoint projects.

Speaking of,
I'm doing original artworks for my embroidery--
so I'm creating originals while learning my stitches.
I'm working on a floral design,
so I research the flower to see if it will work in my butterfly garden,
so research + artwork.

I take nature photos while I walk the dogs.
I try to see how much of the kitchen I can tidy up before
the tea kettle comes to a boil.

These have been fun!

I can't wait to pare down
a pair of pears!

It's never too late to choose one.
If you haven't yet,
check out this list 
or there are many others to google or pin!

Optional Homework:
Post what you chose for your word of the year!

Mandatory Homework --
Check out this video
on the I Have a Dream speech

The word for the moment:


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