Friday, July 12, 2024

Lesson 855: One Hundred Three


Good weekend, Readers!
I'm glad you started yours a the Lamp Post.

Eloise loves bee.

I planted lots of flowers 
I grew from seed,
to support the bees 

My children surprised me with  this glass bee
from the Jack Pine Studio in
Hocking Hills.

Check out the price tag--
not for the cost,
but for the number!
My favorite number is 33!

I titled tonight's blog
in honor of this woman--
Dr. Gladys McGarey.

She is the oldest living 
holistic medical doctor,
who still consults today!

She wrote one of the two books I'm reading this week.

I carry it around in this clever book cover,
made by sweet Mikayla!

She gives the reader 
practical advice how to live a 
happy and healthy life.

I highly suggest viewing one of her interviews
on YouTube.
She must gave gone on the interview circuit
last year when she was 102.

Her TED Talk is a good place to start:

She writes about purpose and love,
movement and energy.

She has a really great technique 
she uses when she can't fall asleep.
Dr. Gladys takes the opportunity 
to lie in bed and think about her life 
She thinks back to her earliest memories,
and moves through a mental journey
of her experiences.

Dr.. Gladys also tells us to pay attention to our dreams
and to look for the angels all around us.
What a remarkable lady!

I watched these remarkable chicks--

baby killdeer,
hatch one day
 and run around the next.

I caught my favorite feral
cat couple together this week,
Sneaky Pete and Stealth.

I found joy in this turtle I found crossing the road.

Movement and laughter 
were the names of the game this week:
lots of baseball
as we close in on the play offs next weekend.

In between baseball and Gladys,
I've been finding every spare moment for this book:

What a page turner!

Let me know if you get a copy
of the Jenna Bush's July Pick
for the Today Show's 
Read With Jenna Book Club.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Dr. Gladys recommends a good night's 
My eyes are crossing and I promised
Dr. Brady,
my eye doctor,
that I wouldn't push through the eye crossing phase.

Time for bed!
Have a great weekend!


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