Hello, Readers!
Or should I say,
Hello, Pumpkin!
It smells like grapes,
and sweaty football players!
V patterns fly over my house southward every day.

I was stunned!
Mr. Retired completely surprised me with it
and it couldn't be more perfect.
You know in the movie Rudy,
when he got to see the stadium for the first time--
that was me.
She has a name.
I've named her long before she was born in my backyard.
Meet Orchid.
I love orchids.
Orchids are plants that belong to the family Orchidaceae, a diverse and widespread group of flowering plants with blooms that are often colourful and fragrant. Orchids are cosmopolitan plants that are found in almost every habitat on Earth except glaciers.
And let me pick your brain for a moment.
Fellow fans,
do you recognize this?
The Orchid was the name given to a DHARMA Initiative station dedicated to exotic matter research, namely time travel, under the guise of being a botanical research station. The true station was located in an underground chamber beneath a greenhouse, and drew energy for its experiments from the same anomalous energy source as the frozen wheel.
My home, The Lamp Post,
is named after the Lamp Post Dharma station
from LOST, my favorite TV show.
The Lamp Post was a DHARMA Initiative station located in a basement chamber beneath a church in Los Angeles, California in the United States. The station's purpose was to determine the Island's most probable location in space and time and identify windows of opportunity to travel there. It was the only known DHARMA station to exist off of the Island.
And who is the caretaker of the Lamp Post Dharma Station?
None other than Eloise Hawking!
Now it makes sense!
Much more to come from The Orchid.
Keep visiting on Friday nights for updates.
Some other highlights from the week:
Ellen Louise turned 24!
When did she go from this:
to this:
to this?
What did Grandma give Ellen
that brought forth such a genuine smile?
are marked by birthdays.
Summer is Mr. Lamp Post's birthday May 23rd
to Ellen's birthday on September 22nd.
Her actual birthday weather is always nice,
and later that week it always rains
and the weather begins to have a fallish feel.