Hi, Readers!
Yes, that's THE hand.
The one I touched Tim McGraw with.
I'm still not over it.
In case you've been living in a drainpipe, my friends and I went to see the Two Lanes of Freedom Tour on Memorial Day weekend. I was seated along the aisle as usual, and Tim McGraw just so happened to walk by me. He looked at me (he was captivated), raised his hand to mine for a high five (he felt the electricity), and walked on down the aisle (thinking, Wow, I have to meet that woman).

Some parts true (some parts fantasy), nevertheless, the encounter was one for the record books.
And like wrote before, I'm still not over it.
We're about to put another school year in the record books as well. I only have a few days of school left and Eloise is paddling hard to catch the big wave and ride it through to the end. It's been an exhausting spring.
Even this blog post will be short, as I have triple entertainment planned for you this weekend.
- Friday is the Week in Review
- Saturday is the Winery Run Series Completion and video
- Sunday is devoted to Jack, my nephew who graduates from St. James School
We've had a ton of special events here at the Lamp Post in the last six weeks. I rise early and burn the midnight oil just to keep afloat. Sometimes I attack hard and get it all done. Other days, I'm lucky to clear a path through the piles of Must Get To's. I did feel much, much better about myself, and not so alone when I read this blog recommended by my friend Heather. If you are a parent surviving the end of the school year, please read this. It will make your day!
Click here: Worst End of School Year Mom Ever
Thanks, Jen Hatmaker. Because of you, I am over it! I no longer feel like the biggest flunky mother in the world.
Ellen's 6th Grade dance was this week. She moves on to the Junior High next fall.
I still can't get over she looks like this!
Ellen is on the left. Her best friend Emily is on the right.
Here they are exactly six years earlier.

Here they are again this spring on the softball field.

I'm still not over it.
I'm also not over the fact that I have missed Ellen's last 3 games! Little League games are doubled up for us on some nights. I usually do double duty and stick with Sam and Natalie.
Ellen picks her Papa to go with her. Picking Dad over Mom?
I'm still not over it.
It figures I'd be sitting on the aluminum stands at tonight's game when these clouds rolled in.
We had a rain delay and the game went extra innings!
Both of my kids lost their games tonight. I'm still not over it.
My neighbor helped me out a little. He lets me park in his yard directly across from Sam's field. Eloise was dragging cameras and kids and carry cases of sports equipment--in the rain. And Friendly Neighbor did what he does best---laughed at me. He made up for it though when he gave me one of these to help me get over it. It's no Rolling Rock, but it's kind of helping.
Good thing my mother wasn't around to see those storm clouds blow in. She would have ran onto the diamond herself to stop the game. Grandma got zapped by some lightning back in the 1970's (which explains a lot), and never got over it. Grandma is skittish in storms.
We had a doozer the other night. Torrents of rain came the night a tornado touched down in a town just south of the Lamp Post. This is Grandma coming over to check the creek levels. My dad, of course, said "Not to worry, Helen" and then fell asleep.
That dark area mid shot is all water flowing OVER the bridge.

We wound up with almost 4 inches of rain in a very short amount of time!
It greened up the lawn nicely,
to put tire tracks in it!
I'm still not over the fact that we have these.
And neither is Grandma!
The school year is over. I've been closing up shop and working hard in one building in particular. Klein School will be closed next year for renovations. I'm still not over the fact that we are not building a new school, just putting band-aids on two very old buildings.
The program I teach is called Quest. It is for advanced learners. My students from grades 1-12 are the most creative of sorts. They've been making me artwork to decorate Klein's new home next year--Wesleyville Elementary.
Last week I gave you some homework. I asked you to ponder what Sam's Note From the Teacher said.
Here it is:
He just couldn't get out of Kindergarten without giving himself a haircut with student scissors.
It's a wonder they worked. Have you used a pair lately? They couldn't cut a cooked spaghetti noodle. Safe schools, you know.
Here's the answer to another puzzle:

...is a loom! My artist friend Jimmi recognized it right away!
I'm babysitting it while Klein School gets its band-aid.
Thanks, Jan.
It will be in good hands. I plan on making the principal one rockin' area rug.
I got my weaving station all set up.
Right between the shop vac and the moon shoes in the garage.
LOST fans, just call me Jacob!
You can look forward to Eloise posting her progress this summer,
as well as the development of these baby birds.
I found a new nest!
One in range of my zoom!
And, if you were wondering, Eloise didn't hit it big. It was a fake ticket.
Cousin Bonnie sent some cool trinkets to the Lamp Post last week.
The package was a nice reprieve from the exhaustion of the last month.
Sam even got some new/old WWE wrestlers.
Thanks again, Bonnie. It's been fun reading this at bedtime every night.
I'm still not over it.
I hope I succeeded in making you smile today, Readers. You are why I do it. From Cousin Bonnie, to the Little League coaches, to the 6th grade graduates, all the way to Tim McGraw himself. I write for you.

Everyone deserves a little recognition for the good things they do. Even if it's just a brief snapshot in cyber world. You matter. Your deeds matter. You make a difference.
And that My Readers, is something Eloise will never get over.
Enjoy the video with some more pictures from the week. Muh-girl Taylor Swift stole my song.