It's Friday night and it's late.
My Heartbreak Huskies suffered an overtime loss tonight,
and the game went long.
My team has not lost its # 1 fan,
but you may lose your favorite Friday Night Bloggerto sleeping on the job
if I don't get this blog written quickly.
Eloise is TIRED.
Here are the week's top 15 photos,
coming to you in the next 15 minutes,
so each has its literal 15 minutes of fame.
#1--Ellen Louise turned 15 this week.
Happy birthday to my middle child.
#2--We bid farewell to summer on Ellen's birthday--
September 22nd
Goodbye, summer.
Welcome, fall.
Thank you for the photos, Brenda From the Lake.
#'s 3, 4, 5, and 6--
Natalie's People t-shirts are still on the move.
Elk Creek
Holiday Valley
If you missed your chance to have one,
there will be a two week sale beginning October 1st.
$20 donation to Natalie's Feed the People t-shirt sale.
The money raised will be given to the food donation agencies
where Natalie volunteers.
This fun group of guys is on the move, too.
This fun group of guys is on the move, too.
Congratulations to nephew Jack and his cross country team.
They are having a great season.
Once upon a time,
Little Red Riding Hood set out to deliver wine to her granny
and ran into some trouble along the way.
Little Blue Riding Hood IS Granny.
She drinks beer and causes trouble,
but is a fan like no other.
Early season football weather is the best!
I spend most of my time
trying to figure out
which butt belongs to my kid.
Fall skies are the best to photograph.
and the daytime moon isn't too bad of a subject either.
We went to camp, hoping to find Sasquatch.

We didn't find Big Foot,
but did find lots of signs of fall instead.
The stuttering comedian on America's Got Talent came in second place.
What a story!
If you missed it, click the link below.
If you missed it, click the link below.

It's been 15 years since the first Survivor aired on CBS.
This season's contestants are past participants,
selected by viewer votes.
This is Kelly from Season 1.
She lost one million dollars to Richard Hatch fifteen years ago.
She's back for another chance.

15 years goes by quicker than you might think.
No time to make a photo video this week,
so I borrowed Taylor Swift's.
Fifteen--if you've forgotten the song.
It's a good one.
Have a great weekend,
FIFTEEN song for Ellen
so I borrowed Taylor Swift's.
Fifteen--if you've forgotten the song.
It's a good one.
Have a great weekend,
FIFTEEN song for Ellen