Saturday, November 28, 2015

Lesson 388: Go Light Your World

Today is Black Friday,
but Eloise thinks of it is a day of light and brightness.

It is the official start of the holiday season.
It's time to spread goodwill and cheer.
It's time to spread the light!

It seems fitting that this was the message on my Yogi Ginger Tea this afternoon.
*Note:  If you have not discovered the stomach-settling properties 
of Ginger Tea yet, Eloise suggests you buy a box to keep around
after a day of feasting (and left overs).

The moon taught us a good example of reflecting the light--
bouncing back the light that is shone upon us.

Many of my friends, neighbors,
colleagues, & peers 
reflected on the light of life of someone near and dear to many.
My sister and I showed up to the memorial service of my friend Tim Miller
wearing similar jackets.  
It seems odd that out of the 900 Kenyan has,
and the 3 that I own,
we'd pick similar styles to wear to the same event.


We wore similar sweaters to Thanksgiving dinner, too.

Dinner was perfect,
as was the memorial service earlier in the week.

Our time here on Earth is limited.
While we are here,
it is our duty to light those candles
and spread the light.

#quollective That's what we get to do when we have our own businesses and run our own lives. :):

One way to fight darkness,
is to shine a light upon it.

You can't fight hate with hate. You can only conquer hate with love. The greater the hate, the more you must love. Reminds me of "A Wrinkle in Time.":

Eloise's school district turned the spotlight on cancer on Tuesday.

We stuck it to cancer

and chased it away.

Thank you, Harbor Creek!
Fight on, Sue!

 One way to light the world is to follow the Huskie example
and rally some support and good energy.
Another way is to have a little fun!

Eloise hid a treasure for you, Local Readers!
I decorated an evergreen tree out on the trails of Harborcreek Community Park.

Here are some clues to the Christmas tree's location:

A few have found it already.
Finders get to take an ornament
and spread the light to your own homes.

Don't forget to send me a photo so I can see how you spread the light.

Another Fun Thing of the Weekend was Black Friday shopping with teenagers.
To throw a fun twist to the late-night--
I purchased them some of the snazziest clothing Walmart had to offer up for $4.97.

If the teens accepted the dare of wearing the shirt shopping,
AND posted a photo on social media--
each received $10 from Eloise.

I threw in a buck extra, each,
for being brave enough to drink from the 
highly controversial red, holiday Starbucks cup.

Money well earned, teens.
Mother Eloise is proud.
I will pay up as promised, this weekend.

Instead of my own photo video collection tonight,
enjoy a beautiful song, performed by Chris Rice.
Go Light Your World is the perfect message to start off our holiday season,
weather you drink from red cup or blue one.

My new FAV quote! Spread the love and inspire others!

You can view a beautiful photo video here--
it was not my creation,
but shared at my church last weekend.

Please watch.
Click the link below.

to your holiday shopping list this year.
Here is your homework assignment for the next month:

Go Light Your World #kathytroccolli Wall Decal:


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